Friday, October 16, 2020

Digging In & Beyond CV-19

 The (above) picture is one of my favorites of 2020.

It's illustrative of our heart to reach children for Jesus Christ and also a reminder that the Florida Church plant is still in its infantile foundational stage of ministry.
His name is Grayson and He is one of my favorite students.

Digging IN

The CV-19 saga continues to produce great challenges for the Lord's Church's world wide.  Jesus warned us that the "gates of hell" would come against His Church but praise the Lord for His promise they would not prevail.     Church planting during what might be considered normal times is difficult at best but we like all ministries have experienced the challenges of the CV-19 crisis.   We have seen the young of faith particularly effected as the devil has used CV-19 as an occasion to buffet, to hinder and frustrate their purpose in life.    Not only has the tempter used it to sift the young of faith but surprisingly many folks who we would consider long in tooth in the faith have been sifted as well.    We've heard the same words that many Churches and Pastors have heard over the several month's.   "We will be coming back when it is safe".  "The Church is too far now", "The Church is too young".  " The Church is not taking this serious enough", etc...   We have heard it all.   With that said, we made a decision very early that as soon as we felt the Lord's leading, we would return in full force to resume our outreach programs.   It was either give in or dig in, we choose the later.    As a young Church plant it was not as much as rebuilding but more like starting over again.  To that end we began to get out in the highways in hedges while everyone was still hunkering down.   The one benefit was that most everyone was at home and we were able to bring the word of God to them and let them see people of faith out in the community not living in fear. 

 Highways & Hedges

 As you can see from the above pics,  we do what we do best an that is get out in the highways and hedges compelling anyone and everyone to come to the Lord's house while preaching the good news of the gospel.     Our plan for 2020 was to make over one thousand visits this year.  I'm not sure we are going to make our goal due to the CV-19 pause, but we have been faithful to return to reaching our community for Christ since July.   The Lord said GO, and we love getting out in the community on a weekly basis.    Last week we had ten servants go out into the community with Sis. Terry and I to compel them to come in from the fields of sin.  

Luke 14:23  And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.   

Little by Little the Cup is Filled 

 One by One we have seen our youth returning to the house of God.   It has also been a blessing to see new adult faces come through the doors of the Church as well.   We have seen a steady flow of both youth and adults making professions of faith in the Lord again.   It's been said that God blesses faithfulness because faithfulness blesses God.  We don’t claim to be the best or brightest Missionaries but we sure love the Lord and will continue to be faithful to obey His Great Commission to preach the good news of the gospel, no matter the circumstances.    The Preacher and Evangelist Jonathon Edwards once said I live by two rules.  #1.  I will serve God.  #2.  If nobody else will serve God, I will serve God.    We too want to be found that faithful in our most high calling.

Not only is the cup filled little by little but as you can see from the (below) pics, the vans have been filled little by little.  

1Cor. 15:58  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.  



 The Lord has been faithful in adding to His Church.  We recently had the opportunity to baptize two adults who had been saved and followed the Lord in scriptural baptism.    We continue to pray that God will help us produce solid disciples who will in turn bring others to Christ.  It has done our hearts good to see folks coming to Jesus and their lives being transformed by their relationship with Him and through learning His Word.    Mat 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  

Mat 28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

2 Timothy 4:2...Preach the Word: be instant in season,  reprove, rebuke, 

exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

Reaching Teens    

As you can see from the (above) pictures, one of the areas were we have experience recent growth as a result of our outreach efforts has been in the teens department.   For years have been able to reach elementary and middle school children but now the Lord has given increase with regard to teenagers.    We know the challenges they are facing in their lives at this age and we thank God for the honor and privilege he is giving us to invest in their live before adulthood.   Pray for us as we  teach them the word of God which is able to build them up and transform them into mature Christians who will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.    Jude 1:22  And of some have compassion, making a difference:   Jude 1:23  And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.                                       


We are thankful for our ministry partners who provide Bibles for our ministry.   Many have given towards the audio Bibles for Kenya and Uganda but we are also reminded that not everyone in America has a Bible.  In fact we are finding it more common place that many people do not have Bibles.    We will not let anyone leave the Church plant without the Word of God and we continue to give out English KJV Bibles as well as Spanish & English combined as you can see from the (above) picture.     Sis. Terry reached the lady (above) during door knocking.  We affectionately call her Abuela= Grandmother as she would come with her two grandchildren.         

 Thank you for the opportunity to share our journey of faith and for every prayer and every dollar given which enables us to do all that we do for the glory of God.   We also ask those of you who take time to read these journal entries/blogs but do not currently partner with us to prayerfully consider partnering with us and be a part of this great work God is doing through His servants.        

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Twoedged Sword Distribution & Evangelism

 Covid 19 Challenges  
The Covid 19  saga continue to provide challenges for Churches and ministries worldwide.   We are seeing our share of challenges in America.  The Landmark Baptist Churches of Kenya/Uganda were government mandated to close until August.   They were allowed to start meeting again under the conditions that they must have a Doctor with a thermogun to take the temperature of each member as they entered.    Most of the Churches could not afford to pay a Doctor and or purchase the expensive thermometer.   Our ministry helped purchase (30)  thermoguns but there were and still are (30) more Churches without them.   Consequently,  six Pastors have been arrested and jailed.    We have help four of them get released and the other two have been helped by neighboring Landmark Baptist Churches.   Regardless of our opinions about the severity or dangers of CV-19,  the devil has used it as an occasion to hinder, frustrate and buffet  God's people and His Churches.   We thank our Lord for His promise to His New Testament Churches that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and we know that what man means for evil God can and will use for good.   Please lift these young Pastors, Churches and Congregations up to the Lord in prayer.
Muslim Village Update
Perhaps you remember our last report in which the Landmark Baptist Evangelist's had reached an unnamed Muslim village (for their safety)  and the request for (240) Bibles.
I'm happy to report that the discipleship process has started and the new converts have received their own personal Bibles to help them grow in their new faith in Jesus Christ.   Very much a reminder of the servants of God in the book of Acts who hazarded their lives for the preaching of the gospel.    Act 15:25  It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,    Act 15:26  Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   
The two pictures below are the most compelling photos taken this year.   The first one (below) is of the two Muslim women in full black burkas gladly receiving the plan of salvation through the Word of God.    The second picture (below) is of the same two women without their burkas studying the Word of God.   1Co 1:18  For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.    Thank you to our faithful ministry partners for providing those much needed Bibles for these new converts to grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord.   

Same Women as above studying the Word of God.
As you can also see from the (below) photo,  these two formerly Muslim men from the same village who trusted Christ as their Lord and Savior have also received a brand new Bible to be built up in their faith and grow in truth and grace.    Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.   Praise our Lord they have been set free to walk in the newness of Life in Christ.  John 8:36  If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
 +Karamajong Tribe Receives Twoedged Sword
In addition to the Hardback Swahili Bibles provided to the Mt. Elgon region, we have
 also provided Karamjong tribal language solar audio Bibles for new converts 
in Uganda.    
Due to a 14 day quarantine and travel restrictions, it does not look like we will be able
 to travel to Kenya/Uganda this year.   With that said, our personal trips afford us the
 opportunity to hand carry those audio Bibles.   We are going to attempt to mail small
 quantities at a time to keep from raising too many red flags as we attempt to
 get this most valuable resources in the hands of these new converts.  
 Your prayers over each audio Bible are coveted.   None of this would be possible
 without your prayers and financial support.  Those of you who support this mission
work are laying up treasures and we know that much fruit will abound to your account.
Phip 4:17  Not because I desire a gift: 
but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.  
Lake Victoria Evangelism
Last week two of our Mt. Elgon Landmark Baptist Evangelist's visited Lake Victoria to
encourage our Churches there as well as do village evangelism at Uwendo and Siaya.   
They saw nine residents from the fishing village of Uwendo trust Christ as their personal
Lord and Savior as well as seven from Siaya who were saved.   
Our prayer is that Uwendo will be organized into a Local New Testament Church
by the end of the year and that we will be able to partner with Landmark Baptist Church 
at Siaya to help them build a sanctuary.
 Please pray for this need and if you or your Church is looking for a Mission project, 
drop me a line and I will be more than happy to provide you with the detail.    

 Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent?
As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach

           the gospel of peace,
                   and bring glad tidings of good things!"

New Converts of Siaya
Thank you for the opportunity to share this great news of what God is doing
through His faithful servants, even during perilous days.
To God be the glory!
Great things He hath done!

In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant 

Thank You For:

Any and all Financial Support needs to be Sent to
Sending Church Information: 
First Baptist Church of East Bay 
10102 Old Big Bend Rd. 
Riverview, Florida 33578

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Chuck & Terry Fernandez +++ Kenya/Uganda/USA Coronavirus Update

 Kenya/Uganda Corona Virus Update
          Greetings Brethren,
 Hope this update finds you safe and abiding in Christ during these trials which the winds of change have brought in through the Corona Virus.   Sis. Terry and I are doing fine, the Florida Plant is surviving and ready to resume our outreach and evangelism efforts again.   Additionally, our Kenya and Uganda brethren have also been affected by the world wide Corona Virus scare.   The one thing we know about Kenyans and Ugandans is that they are survivors.   They work hard, they love the Lord and they know how to live life with little to no resources.   The government placed restrictions have brought hardships and in some cases suffering but they are surviving.   Thankfully there have not been any cases on Mt. Elgon or the Kerio Valley.   I believe that their constant battle with malaria and taking malaria medicines on a regular basis has help stem the tide of the virus.   With the Churches under Government mandate not to meet, the Pastors have worked hard at keeping God's people focused on the Lord.    They have been meeting in small groups in Church members homes, as many as ten small services each Sunday.   The Landmark Baptist churches of Kenya and Uganda are mostly women but this trial has given the Pastors the opportunity to preach to entire families and many of the Husbands have been saved since the services have been brought to their homes.    All things do work together for good for those that love the Lord. 


The above Picture is of the Bible study at the village of Makhonge which is located at the base of Mt. Elgon.    We have purchased a tent (below) for them through our ministry partners at Landmark Missionary Baptist Church in Mt. Enterprise, Texas which will be delivered as soon as travel restrictions open up.   Thank you Pastor Brian Sellers for leading this effort.    We have also recently purchased three more tents for the outreaches at Chebosi, the Church at Chelikei and a Church in Uganda at Karamoja. 


There are currently five other new outreach preaching points that have been started this year.   As a result of these new outreach efforts hundreds have been saved and are awaiting baptism.    We have received a very specific request for (240) hardback Swahili Bibles to help these new converts grow in their faith in Christ.   I have been reluctant in sharing our needs with our ministry partners for a couple of reasons.   #1.  Our ministry presence in Kenya and Uganda is so extensive  that we can hardly keep up with the growth and constant needs that come as a result of that growth.   It often becomes overwhelming at times but we know God always provides for His work done His way.   #2.  During this time of economic downturn we fully realize that God's people are going to experience financial difficulties which directly affect God's Churches which in turn affects Missions.   However we are also reminded in 2 Corinthians chapter 8 of the Churches of Macedonia which were blessed to give during times of great trials and deep poverty.    

  2Co 8:1  Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia;
2Co 8:2  How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.
2Co 8:3  For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves.    

 The Great Commission has not changed and so we will continue to let our needs be known.   If you or your Church feels  led to give towards this need, the Swahili Bibles currently run around $10.00 each.    We have also received great news that the Audio Bibles we use have come down in price from $40.00 each to $22.00 each.    The audio Bibles are distributed to the indigenous people of the differing tribes in Kenya and Uganda are a very valuable part of the ministries there. People that cannot read or write can hear the Word of God in a language that they understand and are transformed thereby. People are being saved and scripturally educated through these devices. The audio Bibles aide our national pastors immensely in the great work that God is doing among these people. 

These durable Bibles are solar powered for remote interior regions without electricity.  They are water proof and they now contain the Word of God in the Pokot, Lou and Karimajong tribal language.  


Can you imagine hearing the Word of God in your own language for the first time??  We have seen the reaction first hand and the power of the spoken word as faces light up when God speaks to them through this amazing tool.   All they have to do is place the solar panel towards the sun and then the Word of God points them to the SON, (Of God). One Bible is often used to form a Bible Study in which as many as ten villagers gather at their neighbors house to listen to God's word at the same time.  


2 Tim. 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

We ask you to prayerfully consider the need for audio Bibles along with the (240) hardback Bibles.  
 2Ti 2:2  And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

 Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments.  How will they keep His commandments if they do not have the word of God?


Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

 While our goal is 100 Audio Bibles and 240 Hardback Bibles, one, two or ten will be a great blessing to these new and young converts.   Please continue to pray for us and if God so leads you to give to this worthy cause, designate: Bibles to First Baptist Church of East Bay at the address below. Sis. Terry and I are praying for you and we thank you for traveling this journey of faith with us.  Tuko Pamoja Ndanye Christo= We are together in Christ. 




In His Service,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Pla

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2019 Year End Report: Modular, Prison Walls & Fruit

The early New Testament Churches were powerful Churches for many good reasons.  They were going, growing, sending and always on the move.  We have purposed in our hearts and have asked God to help us be like His early Churches.   We pray He will give us strength to keep going when many are falling by the wayside and will not go.   We also pray he will give the increase and we will grow for His honor and glory.   So we continue to pray and continue to go by faith believing that God will give the increase in His time.   In order to facilitate future growth we stepped out by faith this last year and purchased a used Modular to free up more room in our small sanctuary and to facilitate continued growth in our youth program.  We want to be good stewards with what God has blessed us with and this temporary building is the final step to maximize the use of our current location.   As you can see from the (above and below) pics, the new building is already a blessing to the Church plant.   In addition to providing a large room for Jr. Church and Youth activities, the new modular also serves as a fellowship hall.  We dedicated the modular at our annual Fall Festival Outreach program.  

The first picture is of the shed we previously used for Jr. Church which is in stark contrast to the second picture with the new modular in use.  

                                                   (Below) Room to Grow!

God is working in the lives of many men from many different countries  behind the barbed wire fences at Cross City Correctional Institution.   Not only are some getting saved but some are being trained to preach the gospel to their own Nation upon their release.   For example, we have seen men from Puerto Rico, Cuba, Ecuador and Columbia released after years of teaching and training to become ambassadors for Christ in their home land.
We are also still in the process of training one of these men to return to the prison as a Missionary.   These captive audiences are some of the greatest opportunities to preach the gospel to a receptive crowd and some will believe.   While the Prison Ministry involves leaving your comfort zone there are great blessings to be found.  

                          (Cross City Correctional Institute, Cross City, Florida)
 2019 FRUIT
The Prison Ministry is not the only area of our ministry which is bearing much fruit.  The end of 2019 brought in a renewed spirit for soul winning through Saturday visitation.  You will find Terry and I out in the highways and hedges each and every Saturday trying to reach the lost and encourage the saved to be faithful to the Lord.   During the last month of 2019, our Saturday visitation team grew to seven.   Its not easy work, but it is a blessed work that is driven by our love and obedience to Christ and a burden for the lost.   
Please pray for us as we need another van to start another route in 2020.  If your Church has one sitting and wants to get rid of it, email me at  
 As we go out into the Highways and hedges we are seeing the
                                        Hand of God upon us!

Youth Camp 2019 (BELOW) was our first as a new Church plant.  We took twenty five campers to Florida Baptist Encampment and had a great week with our youth.  Due to our mission work in Kenya/Uganda, Terry and I had not been to camp in almost fifteen years but it brought back great memories of the past to see our kids getting saved and making commitments to the Lord. 
We have seen twenty two professions of faith over the course of 2019 through various ministries and outreaches.  Ten of them have followed Christ in scriptural baptism and  we are continuing the discipleship process of many.   119 was our record high in attendance for a special promotional outreach.    In addition to the Church plant activities, I'm still a Missionary on designated funds which necessitates Terry and I traveling on deputation appointments, ABA Meetings as well as preaching appointments for revivals and missions conferences.  Add in our regularly scheduled trips to Kenya and Uganda and we have a busy busy life burning for Christ.   We might burn out some day but at least we won't rust out from sitting still.  We could not do all that we are doing without a group of faithful servants who come alongside Terry and I to fulfill the Great Commission.  God's grace has been great upon us and we thank Him for our ministry partners who are faithfully holding the rope.  Thank you for allowing us to share what God has done in 2019.  We pray you have a Happy and Blessed New Year.


In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant