Friday, September 7, 2018

93,000 J & R, Highways, Hedges & VBS

93,000 is the number of Swahili John and Romans Eastern Ave. Baptist Church assembled last month for distribution in East Africa.   Pastor Jim Callen invited Terry and I to celebrate this monumental day and update them on the ministry work we are doing in Kenya and Uganda.  Additionally, they wanted someone who could read and speak Swahili to them so they would know what the verses within the pages sound like.   We were also able to give them firsthand accounts of using these scriptures in over fifty villages over the last ten years and seeing hundreds saved from this very important tool in the hands of our evangelists.    It does our hearts good to be able to visit Churches that partner with us to reach the lost in Kenya/Uganda & Florida and we are thankful they are willing to invest "sweat equity" into the lives of thousands.   We also look forward to getting a small portion of these very John & Romans into the hands of our Evangelists on Mt. Elgon, the Kerio Valley and Lake Victoria during our upcoming trip.   Rom. 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  
 The perpetual cycle of deputation, revivals, mission conferences as well as state and national meetings which started in 2006 is alive and well in 2018.    The Lord continues to bless our efforts as we maintain ministries in three countries on two different continents.  We have always believed that God has individuals and local Churches he has prepared and ordained to partner with us to fulfill His Great Commission work to the uttermost parts of the earth.    These relationships go well beyond the support check, and after many years have developed into friendships and bonds in Christ that run deep.     We know they are also "holding the rope" of prayer and encouragement while Terry and I are in the well digging and we have confidence that we can depend on them in time of need.   We have never played political games for favor and while we gladly associate with American Baptist Association, we trust in the Lord to provide.  He has never let us down and we thank and praise Him for the ability and opportunity to go in His name.  Hudson Taylor once said, "God's work done God's way will never lack God's supply".    With that said, we like all Missionaries have to replace and renew supporters who come and go through the process of normal attrition.     Would you consider partnering with us as we labor in Kenya/Uganda and Florida for the glory of God?    We pray as if it all depends on God and work as if it all depends on us.   We will connect you to people and places that you can only imagine or have seen on National Geographic as we obey God's will in soul winning, discipleship and Church planting.   Please pray for us brethren and consider us when looking for hardworking missionaries to support.

This Picture above is the Thompson family which is part of our ministry team and part of the key to our success.  We love them in Christ and as you can see from the picture we always look forward to seeing them in person.
They are such a blessing and encouragement to us. 

 Van # 3 Arrives  "Bring Them In!"
We purchased van #3 last month with the help of our ministry partners who see the need and carry the burden we carry to bring them in from the fields of sin.    Our ministry philosophy is simple; reach anybody and everybody, everywhere but we particularly have a burden to reach the children while their hearts are tender and open to the Lord. Remember that 85% of all who trust Christ generally do so before the age of 18.   The critics and doubters say there is nobody who wants to come to Church anymore in this Laodecian age we live in but we have found that God blesses those who will invest their time and efforts into bringing Children to Christ.   While there is also no magic formula for Church growth, God gives the increase in ways and avenues that we could not see or predict when we are faithful to bring the children in from the fields of sin.  The addition of a third van route will push our Florida Plant building capacity, however we know God will make a way
for a larger building in His time.   

 Some would gather roses across this path of life
And some would gather money and rest from worldly strife
But I would gather children from across the field of Sin
For I would seek a golden curl or a freckled toothless grin
For Money cannot enter in that land of endless day
And roses that are gathered soon will wilt away
For oh the laughing children as i  cross the sunset sea
and  the  gates of heaven swing open wide I can take them in with me.

As you can see from the below pictures, Terry and I continue to take the Great Commission literally and we particularly love the story Jesus tells in Luke 14 when the Lord tells the servant to go out into the highways and hedges and compel to come to the great supper that His house might be filled.   Getting out into the community on a regular basis creates many opportunities for us to share the gospel and build relationships that cannot be built otherwise.   It does not matter if it is a village on Mt. Elgon or in the Kerio Valley, it does not matter if it is the Pokot tribe or a neighborhood on the West Coast of Florida, people need the Lord and we intend to tell them of the hope of heaven through faith in Jesus Christ.    

 VBS 2018
Last month we held our second annual Vacation Bible School at the Florida Church plant.  We certainly missed our brethren from Oakland MBC, Rusk, Texas who came down last year to help us with our first VBS, but the training wheels came off and our people pulled together to do a great job.    We had a dozen visitors but most of the children are regular attendees and have made professions of faith over the last couple of years.  So while VBS is often a great outreach for the church, this year seemed to be more of a continued discipleship program.  

 As you can see from the below picture,  we make every effort to ground these children in the Word of God by giving them their own KJV Bible.  We thank our ministry partners at Rose Lawn MBC for providing us with these Bibles to give out freely.   What greater gift can you give a child?   Rom.10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

 Last but not least, the Florida Plant baptismal pool waters continue to be stirred on a regular basis as we bring folks to the saving knowledge of Christ and start the discipleship process.   Our baptismal pool is not as nice as the average MBC, but its a far cry better than the mud holes we have baptized converts in Kenya and Uganda.   We praise the Lord for those saved and following Jesus in scriptural baptism.  

Thank you for your prayerful support and thank you for allowing us to give you a glimpse
into our journey of faith.
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant