Kenyan Pastors on Mt. Elgon continue to reach out to the neighboring villages
of Chemtais and Chelekei by delivering the good news of the gospel house to
house. Over the last month, they have seen thirty one villagers receive
Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior in these villages. We praise the
Lord for every new convert on Mt. Elgon but cannot overemphasis the difficulty
of reaching these villages on the steep, muddy and rocky slopes of Mt. Elgon at
over ten thousand feet above sea level. Its also important to
mention the countless people who have heard the gospel and had seeds planted
and watered in their hearts for future growth.
3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

56 Received Christ in the Ugandan Side of the Kerio Valley
our Mt. Elgon Pastors are reaching the lost on the mountain, our Pastors,
Preachers and Evangelists in the Kerio Valley are pushing deeper and deeper
into Uganda with the good news of the gospel. Fifty six received
Christ over the last two weeks in the villages of Kakoron, Iwakai, Kaptarini,
Swam, Iwakai and Kaptarini, Uganda. Among them were three Muslims
named Shaban, Musa and Nafula.
1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of
God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to
the Greek.
The Picture above is a young man in the Ugandan Army who received Christ and a new solar powered audio Bible in the Pokot language.
Also, saved during these recent evangelism efforts in Karamojo was a man named Abraham (Above) who was about to commit suicide. When our Evangelists arrived he had sold his sheep and stayed away from his home while taking alcohol for two days. We thank God for saving him and giving peace for His troubled soul. During these evangelistic campaigns, dozens have followed Christ in scriptural baptism. (Below)
your counting, that is eight villages reached within a two week period in Kenya
and Uganda through intense evangelism efforts to reach the lost. My
Pastor, Dr. Tim Myers regularly says that he knows of no other place in the
world at this time where these kinds of efforts are being made to reach the
lost as well as seeing God giving the increase with people being saved.
If you want to see the book of Acts being replicated in many ways, just look at
what God is doing through our Landmark Baptist Churches on Mt. Elgon, Lake
Victoria and the Kerio Valley. Their obedience, dedication and passion
for Christ is amazing, inspiring and challenging. To God be the glory!
The picture above is a blind Mama who is receiving her solar audio Bible from Pastors wife Sarah. We think of the many who are blessed by these audio Bibles because they cannot read but there are also many old blind men and women in the Kerio Valley who have had their eyes scorched by the hot sun and cannot see. These audio Bibles are especially important to them as well.
Through the audio Bible, Teresa is changed, we see her witnessing the gospel to others about Christ. She has been an example like the Samaritan women who meet with Jesus at the well.
Landmark Baptist Church Chesokwo
Month I
posted Pictures (Below)
are of the survey and plot purchase for the new sanctuary of the Landmark
Baptist Church at Chesokwo in the foggy freezing fog at over ten thousand feet
above sea level.
then, our faithful ministry partners at 1st Baptist Church of Kingstowne, led
by Pastor John Mix have provided the necessary building materials needed to
build a permanent sanctuary for the Landmark Baptist Church at
Chesokwo. The below pictures are of the poles and trusses delivered
and installed as well as the wood and tin for the purlins and
roofing. This is also the third sanctuary that FBC Kingstowne has
partnered with us to build in Kenya. We have a dozen more in need,
would you consider this great blessing to them and your people??? Phip.
4:17 Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to
your account.
5 Pastors Houses Rebuilt
since our last report, all five Pastors whose home were destroyed in the
recent violence have completed the rebuilding of their houses. (Below) Pastor
Alex Cheriembe and His family from the Landmark Baptist Church at Cheptkurukuru
on Mt. Elgon. Thank you to all those who help these Men of God rebuild
their homes. Hope to get pictures of the other three Pastors and Houses
but they are located in very remote regions of the mountain.
Two Sanctuaries Rebuilt after Violence
Pictures below are the rebuilt Landmark Baptist Church located at the village
of Cheptkurukuru. By God's grace and through our faithful ministry partners
we have also rebuilt the sanctuary at the Landmark Baptist Church at
Cheptandan. The last Church which will need to be rebuilt is the Landmark
Baptist Church at Chemta. Everything was stolen at Chemta including the
steel poles and trusses, wood and tin sheeting. The approximate cost to
replace all of this is $4000.00. Please contact me if your Church
is interested in adopting this sanctuary to help our Mt. Elgon brethren rebuild
their sanctuary.