Friday, January 12, 2018

Finding Our Way Back Home, Continued Growth & Year End Report

Blessed Christmas & Happy New Year!

Terry and I pray you and your family had a blessed Christmas and as we look forward to the New Year we look forward to God's continued blessings as well as Jesus soon coming.   When we look back at 2017 we can't help but to thank all those individuals and Churches who have faithfully and sacrificially supported the work Terry and I are doing in Florida/Uganda and Kenya with your prayers and finances.  We will need your continued prayers and support as we press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus in 2018.

Personal Note: Finding Our Way Back Home 
As another year passes, we see ourselves still trying to find our way back home.   Its been several years since we came off the field as full time foreign Missionaries and while our home is in Florida our hearts are still very much in East Africa.   That statement may seem odd unless you have been a foreign Missionary at some time in your life and been forced to return home.  We love our country, our American brethren and Churches, but the longer we are home the more we realize that we are still foreign in many ways.   The dear members at the Florida Plant realize this week in and week out as we constantly update them on what God is doing through the Kenya/Uganda Church development side of our ministry.  I often think to myself and wonder how many Churches take live calls during service from East African Pastors and how many others Churches have to endure their Pastor teaching them Swahili/Spanish and English?  They listen intently but I'm sure they think Terry and I are weird in so many ways, LOL.   All of this unsettledness reminds me of this saying about Missionaries,"home is everywhere, home is nowhere."    This year we have made an effort to continue to re-assimilate by purchasing a piece of property in Florida for our RV. 
It has been eleven years since we started this season of ministry doing deputation out of an RV.  And its funny how life turns full circle and we are back in an RV.  We sold our home, our vehicles, our business and virtually everything we owned and walked away from life as we knew it.   It blows my mind that over a decade has passed in which God has done so many amazing works in and through our lives but yet we are still recovering and rebuilding our lives. 
There is always sacrifice involved in serving the Lord whole heartily but the reward is always greater. Please do not misunderstand this blog entry, we do not share these personal details for sympathy but to ask for your continued prayers as we find our way back home and continue to rebuild our lives.   Ultimately, we understand that we are all pilgrims and sojourners just passing through.  
Record Numbers: 40 Professions of Faith    
Our first year (2015) at The Florida Plant we led 23 to Christ, last year we saw 27 make professions of faith in Jesus Christ and this year we have led 40 precious souls to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This includes our youth ministries, van ministry, prison ministries, VBS and various other soul winning outreaches.  We preach the gospel each and every service and make a serious effort to purposely go soul winning on a regular basis.   Additionally we have in home bibles studies and discipleship training to help our converts grow in their faith.  This year we have also started Faith Bible Institute as part of our regular Bible study programs.   

Record Numbers: 112 Attendence:  
Our attendance continues to grow slowly but surely.  Our first year we averaged 20-30, our second year we average 40-50 and this year we are averaging 60-70 with a record high of 112 in attendance.   We regularly have quarterly promotions and programs to encourage our members to invite their family, friends and co-workers.   Its been said, "if you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing."  We consistently ask the Lord to fill His house and set goals to accomplish His will.

Record Numbers:  Contacts & Visits: 
We know the reason we are continuing this season of growth is because the Lord is giving the increase. 1Cor. 3:7  So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.  We also realize the law of the harvest teaches us that the more seeds we plant and water the more fruit we will have to harvest.   To that end we have made over five hundred contacts and visits over the last year.   This is primarily accomplished by engaging our community through our van visitation program but we also have various other aforementioned outreaches.

    Prison Ministry:  Spanish & English:   
The prison ministry continues to grow numerically and spiritually as the inmates grow in their faith and wisdom from the Word of God.   We are targeting new arrivals and encouraging the older Christians to become soul winners inside the walls. Additionally we have seen several men surrender to the gospel ministry this year and have also seen record highs in Chapel services.   God has given me a heart of love for these outcasts of society and as I teach and preach the Word of God to them, it is as if I am in a foreign land sharing God's Word with another lost tribe.   Mat 25:35  For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
Mat 25:36  Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.  

Deputation,  Mission  Conferences & State & National Meetings 
In no way am I comparing myself to the Apostle Paul, with the exception that I consider myself to the be among the least of the Missionaries.   However, I can surely relate to a statement he made with regard to the care of the churches in 2 Cor. 11:28  "Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches."   Maintaining a ministry that spans two continents has it challenges.  One of those challenges is the delicate balance between doing ministry and supplying the financial needs of the ministry.   To that end, Terry and I are regularly burning the road with deputation appointments to seek new support and maintain current support.  This also includes attending mission conferences of supporting Churches as well as local, state and national Missionary Baptist meetings to report on our work.    During the last eleven years of this journey of faith we have come to realize that God has never let us down and he always supplies the needs of His people when we do His work, His way.

Thank you for allowing us to share our journey of faith and thank you again to each and every ministry partner who supports us prayerfully and financially.   Please continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida.
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant
 Specific Prayer Needs:
More Converts
More Baptisms
New Van for Van Ministry
Larger Florida Building
Tents for New Bible Studies
Audio Bibles for Kerio Valley
Paper Back Swahili Bibles
New Sanctuaries Kenya/Uganda
English (KJV) Bibles




Kenya/Uganda Church Development....2017 Year End Report

The Kenya/Uganda side of our work is growing faster than we can keep up.   New villages are being reached with the gospel, new Bibles studies are starting, new Churches are being organized,  new sanctuaries are being built and new preachers are being called to preach.    There are many days when I look at the great work God is doing in East Africa and I become overwhelmed by it all.  I can only thank Him and praise Him more for allowing us the honor and privilege of being a small part of it all.  Our Kenyan/Ugandan brethren have a passionate love for Christ that compels them to follow Him and carry out the Great Commission to the uttermost parts of the earth.    We praise the Lord for allowing us and our ministry partners to come along side of them to provide Bibles, Seminars, Tents and Buildings.   One of the greatest sources of joy is knowing that all the Churches are independent, sound in doctrine as well as self propagating.  To God be the glory, great things He hath done.   Another source of great joy is knowing that these folks are motivated by a great love for Christ and we fully understand that they would do what they are doing without us.   God uses us to encourage and exponentially  grow the work but they are not totally dependent on us.  Ministerial harmony and unity is something we have enjoyed since we first arrived in Kenya.   Thank you for holding the rope with your faithful prayers and support.   We look forward to reporting live from Kenya again in March of this new year.
246 Professions of Faith

The combined Churches (34) located on Mt. Elgon, the Kerio Valley & Lake Victoria have led over 2000 people to Christ during the calendar year 2017.  The detailed locations village by village can be found in the attached year end report.   From the earliest days of our work in Kenya, we shared our burden to reach the lost and taught them how to do hut to hut evangelism.   They are now reaching more people and more new villages than Terry and I could have ever dreamed or imagined.   As a matter of reference, these Churches are sending out evangelist's on a weekly basis and have traveled as far as 300 kilometers from where we left off with our evangelism team.    Please continue to pray that God will bless them in 2018 with another bountiful harvest of souls who will become born again by God 's Spirit and unite with His local Church

 Evangelist Alex Cheriembe Praying For New Convert
It is exciting to see new Bible Studies (12) forming as a result of their village evangelism outreaches and equally exciting to see many of the new Bible studies organizing into scriptural New Testament Churches.     The gospel continues to be preached where Christ has not been named.   Four of the seven new Churches organized in 2017 are located in Uganda.   We currently have five of these new Bible Studies which need tents.   The villages of Changara and Sirende are located on Mt. Elgon and  Chepchoina, Alaale and Sayawan are located in the Kerio Valley.   $750.00 is a small investment to make in God's kingdom work and will allow these new Bibles studies to meet without the sun or the rain beating down upon them.  Would you consider one of these new Bible Tents as a giving goal for 2018?  

Evangelist Peter Barasa Preaching at Sirende, 78 have trusted Christ
Malomonye Bible Study, Mt. Elgon

New Church: Landmark Baptist Asilong meeting under trees in Kerio Valley

Four New Sancturaries Completed

By the grace of God we were able to partner with three of our Kenya/Uganda Churches to build sanctuaries and one of the Churches was able to build a sanctuary on their own without our assistance.  We have well documented the completed sanctuaries this year in previous reports, however I believe it is even more impressive when the Churches take the initiative to raise funds through the offerings of the members to build without our assistance.    While you will see a difference in the type of materials used for building and the size of the sanctuary, the indigenous sanctuary built and paid for by the members of the Church is no less impressive.  If you are looking for a Mission project for 2018, know that every dollar given towards these new sanctuaries is used for the designated building, 100%.  Pictured below right, notice that our Kenyan brethren are also doing their part in constructing walls to enclose the sanctuaries.   These construction projects are very much a joint effort. 

Newly Completed Sanctuary, Landmark Baptist Saboti, Mt. Elgon
1st Newly Completed Uganda Sanctuary, LBC Kakaron
        (Thank you Pastor Carl Wells & Willow Oak Baptist Church)
Bibles & Seminars
Terry and I have always believed that one our most basic responsibilities as foreign Missionaries is to supply new converts and new churches with the Word of God.   Over the last year through our faithful ministry partners we have given out hundreds of copies of John & Romans,  hardback Bibles and Solar powered audio Bibles.   In addition to supplying Bibles we sponsor quarterly seminars for Pastors, Church leaders, Women and Youth.   Each time we return to Kenya we host Preachers seminars with teams of Pastors from the USA.   We make every effort to help equip the Saints of God for the work he has called them to do.
                                        Solar Powered Audio Bibles
Personal Highlight: Terry's Return
As you can see, God has done many great things over the last year in East Africa.  However, one of His greatest works was done in our hearts and particularly Terry's heart as she was able to return to Kenya after a two and half year break due to health issues from living and working there.    As I have stated previously, we do not know if this was Terry's last trip to Kenya but we thank God for raising her up to be able to return to at least have closure to that chapter in her life.    It saddens me that she is truly in her element working, teaching and mentoring the Wamama's (women) of Kenya but yet unable to live there full-time.  The comfort comes from seeing her legacy live on through the hundreds and possible thousands she has led to Christ and from watching the ladies she has taught and mentored taking the initiative to pick up the baton and move forward teaching other women.
Thank you for allowing us to share our journey of faith and thank you again to each and every ministry partner who supports us prayerfully and financially.  
Please continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida.

 Thank you for allowing us to share our journey of faith and thank you again to each and every ministry partner who supports us prayerfully and financially.   Please continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida  
 In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant
Specific Prayer Needs:
More Converts