2018 has been another year of building as we continued growing spiritually and numerically. To facilitate the numerical growth we cleared the lot next to the building we are currently renting to increase our parking lot size. The parking lot is the first impression and when first time visitors cannot find a place to park they don't feel very welcome. We are thankful our Landlord allowed us to use the neighboring lot at no additional charge. It has already been a blessing for special events.
While the parking lot expansion was timely, I can't say the same
thing about the sanctuary expansion. We have proven the well
known Church growth principle to be true that states the following: when
you reach 85% capacity, you need to enlarge your building or you will return
back to the 70%-75% level. That is exactly what we
experienced this year at The Florida Plant and I can sadly say that our recent
renovations were about six month's too late. Nevertheless, knocking
out two walls, building a platform, adding 24 seats and adding a Baby Grand
piano has been a welcome change to our faithful members as well as first time
visitors. Hey, nobody said we had it all together but we do learn
some of our best lessons from experience. As you can see from the
(below) pic, the welcome expansion has also made our building feel more like a
(Above) Completed Platform with new Baby Grand Piano
SETTING CAPTIVES FREE!My prayer is that you will become very familiar with the young man in the above pics. His name is Ryan Smith and he is one of the men I have been discipling at Cross City Correctional Institute over the last few years. It has been a real joy to watch this young man grow in his faith and answer the call of God on His life to preach God's Word. He has been out of prison for four month's now and He is eagerly working through an intense Missionary Baptist training program. Ryan believes God is calling Him to preach God's Word in and through our Prison Ministry. Due to travel restrictions as a result of the conditions of His release, he is somewhat limited but we are traveling to him on a regular basis and he is attending two classes per week via Skype. Last week he actually preached his first sermon since His release to the folks at our Church plant via Skype. (Pictured Below). My hope and confidence is in the Lord but it's a blessed privilege and honor to train up new Men of God. I have seen a passion and love for Christ in Ryan that seems to be very rare in America but we have seen in the lives of the Men of God we have trained in Kenya and Uganda. Please pray for Ryan as he fulfills his calling.

The Prison Ministry is not the only
area of our ministry which is bearing much fruit. Our youth ministry is
also one of the most fruitful areas of ministry. I often say,
"if we cannot reach anyone else in America in 2018, WE WILL REACH
KIDS!" Many say you cannot build a Church on youth but we believe
God blesses those will love and bring children to Christ and consequently
blesses the Church. This is where having a Wife with a servants
heart becomes a great blessing and asset to this Missionary. Terry helps
me run van routes, helps me schedule and train workers and is personally
involved in discipling a handful of children at a time. Don't
worry, LOL, She's not a Youth Pastor, but she is one of the best youth workers
I have ever known is better equipped than many Youth Pastors that have worked
under my leadership over the years. We have seen great growth and
literal life changing transformation taking place in the lives of many of these
youth. Please pray for us as we need another van to start another
route next year. If your Church has one sitting and want to get rid of
it, email me at missionaryfernandez@gmail.com.
In order to facilitate continued
growth in 2019 we are going to have to pray for God's provision and direction
with regard to a larger facility for worship, education and fellowship.
(Note: Removing the wall took out two of only four classrooms we have).
We need your continued prayers and support as we press towards the mark of the
high calling in Christ Jesus. We have seen twenty
seven professions of faith during the course of 2018 through various ministries
and outreaches. Twelve of them have followed Christ in scriptural baptism
and are we are continuing the discipleship process of many. 137 was
our record high in attendance for a special promotional event we held in
November. We could not do all that we are doing without a group of
faithful servants who come alongside Terry and I to fulfill the Great
Commission. God's grace has been great upon us and we thank Him for our
ministry partners who are faithfully holding the rope. Thank you for
allowing us to share what God has done in 2018. We pray you have a Happy
and Blessed New Year.
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant