Thursday, December 7, 2017

Construction Update: Three Sancturaries & Three More Plots

So much is happening with the Church development side of our work in Kenya and Uganda that I can barely keep with the reporting.   Given the size and scope of the great work God is doing I will probably need to send out these latest developments in multiple journal/blog entries.   However lengthy, we pray your faith will be encouraged by what you see and read.   Its been over six months since we started our latest building campaign and thanks to our generous ministry partners we have three new sanctuaries that have been completed.   All three of the buildings are second generation Church plants which Terry and I help start before we left in 2014.  These latest three sanctuaries bring the total constructed to twenty two over the last ten years.   We praise the Lord for what he has done through the feeble and humble efforts of this Missionary and His wife.  We give Him all the praise and all the glory and within the same breath we ask Him to supply the needs of a dozen more new Churches which are meeting in houses, under tents or under trees.   Would you join us in this prayer to put these young church plants into a more permanent phase of ministry by helping them buy a plot of land ($1,000.00) and by helping them build a permanent structure which they are encouraged to bring to completion. ($4,000).   These Churches are doctrinally sound and are sending out evangelists, starting Bible studies and  planting new Churches while meeting under tents.   If you cannot help construct an entire sanctuary, please pray about giving a special one time offering towards this worthy cause.  Phil. 4:17  Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. 
Landmark Baptist Church of Chenginji

If you have followed our ministry, this Church is located at the base of Mt. Elgon.  Pastor Moses was one of the village reprobates from the neighboring village of Mayanja whom we led to Christ and trained in the gospel ministry.  This is a second generation Church and this is the village where Terry contracted malaria which led to her health crisis. They started meeting under trees and we had given them a tent but they were ready for a permanent sanctuary.  Now, thanks to our ministry partners at 1st Baptist Church of Kingstowne, Virginia, they have a permanent roof over their head where they can continue to worship the Lord Jesus as well as educate and encourage the Saints of God. 

The Above Pics were Terry's last evangelism efforts in Chengenji

All of the poles and trusses are fabricated at the base of Mt. Elgon and then transported to Mountain, the Kerio Valley and Uganda.
Even the Women Members of the Church help move the timbers to the site of the new sanctuary.
Even the Women Members of the Church help move the timbers to the site of the new sanctuary.
Pastor Moses Proudly stands next to the nearly completed sanctuary
(An Answer to His Prayers) 

This is the type of sanctuary we help our brethren construct (22) over the last ten years.   While I realize at first glance you may be thinking it is not finished, however our partnership with these young churches require that they bring these sanctuaries to full completion as to create ownership and investment into THEIR church.   They will make bricks, collect stones, make mud or whatever method they choose to make these structures truly indigenous to their area.  Depending on the effort we see put forth we will still have the opportunity to help them with cement and or other items to facilitate the construction of the walls at a later date. 
Landmark Baptist Church of Morreweis  
Located in the Kerio Valley. This is a second generation Pokot Church plant in a village known as the "Murderers" because of the many men who have committed murder to prove their manhood. They are now born again Christians and growing in their faith in Jesus.   The have been transformed by their faith in Christ and a village which was once full of darkness has now become a village of the light.   They love the Lord and they are faithful to His Church.   Thanks to our ministry partners at Baumhauer Road Baptist Church, they now have a roof over their head to shelter them from the hot Kerio Valley sun which regularly reaches over 100 degrees.  
The Village Elders were present to approve the sale of the plot to the Church. The land is not deeded in the Pastor's name or the Missionary's name but the name of the Church to insure true autonomy

The Poles and trusses arrived from the Mt. Elgon region without any problems.   Everything is designed so that they can install poles and trusses without power tools.   Just a couple of wrenches.   This design comes from years of trial and error knowing that the day would come when they would have to be able to build these type of structures without our presence.   
It does my heart good to see them succeed in self propagation and self sufficiency.   (Note One of the Women Members Carrying heavy steel poles

The New Sanctuary is nearing completion with the addition of the tin roofing.  I realize that steel poles and trusses may not look indigenous but that ladder surely is.   The steel is necessary due to termites that would destroy a wooden sanctuary within a year.   We pray this steel skeleton will stand till Jesus returns. 
 Special thanks to all those who give sacrificially to our ministry so the gospel may continue to be preached to the uttermost parts of the earth.   In addition to these three completed sanctuaries we have purchased three more plots in advance believing by faith that God will continue to supply the resources we need to equip God's Churches to fulfill their calling. If you are interested in adopting a future Sanctuary on Mt. Elgon or in the Kerio Valley please email me: or call me at (352)-277-1753.  
Please continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida.
Thank you for your prayerful support and for allowing us to share this journey of faith.

In His Service,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant

The Video Below was created by our brethren
                                 at 1st   Baptist Church of Kingstowne.  Enjoy!!