Our efforts to reach the lost and disciple the saved continue to grow through various ministries and outreaches. Our newest ministry connected to the Florida Plant is tied to the prison ministry at Cross City Correctional Institute. I have been preaching at CCCI long before we went to Kenya and at every opportunity God gave me while home on furlough. This new ministry is a Spanish Bible Study and discipleship class which takes place on a weekly basis.
The men we are working with are from Mexico,
Columbia, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Cuba and even Italy. One of those men is
the nephew of John Gotti the Italian American gangster boss of the Gambino crime
family in New York City. Over the last two months I have watched this man who
accepted Christ as His personal Lord and Savior grow leaps and bounds in His
faith. At first he would come to the Bible study without a Bible and listen
intently to the lessons, then one day I asked him why he did not bring His
Bible? He said that his glasses were broken and could not get replacements.
It brought me back in mind to our days in Kenya when we would give out Swahili Bibles and reading glasses for our older converts. So needless to say, I got permission from the Staff prison Chaplin to give him my reading glasses which he proudly wears today while reading his KJV Bible. He is so happy to be able to read the Word of God again and he stands as a testimony that Mobsters are not beyond the reach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is good and worthy to be praised!
The Kenyan/Ugandan Church development side of our ministry continues to grow as God is blessing the work there in an amazing way. Hundreds continue to be saved, new Churches are being organized and part of the growth includes a massive building program we have undertaken this year by faith in an effort to move five more organized New Testament Churches from tents into permanent buildings. To that end, and through our partnership with Baumhauer Road Baptist Church, we have surveyed and purchased a plot of land for the Landmark Baptist Church at Morrerweis which is the village known as the "murderers " and is located in the Kerio Valley. What can be more exciting than seeing the joy upon the faces of these young churches as they praise the Lord for what he is doing in their lives. God is good and worthy to be praised!
Transferring Funds for Plot at Morreweris in the Kerio Valley
Marking Boundary for New PlotIt brought me back in mind to our days in Kenya when we would give out Swahili Bibles and reading glasses for our older converts. So needless to say, I got permission from the Staff prison Chaplin to give him my reading glasses which he proudly wears today while reading his KJV Bible. He is so happy to be able to read the Word of God again and he stands as a testimony that Mobsters are not beyond the reach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is good and worthy to be praised!
The Kenyan/Ugandan Church development side of our ministry continues to grow as God is blessing the work there in an amazing way. Hundreds continue to be saved, new Churches are being organized and part of the growth includes a massive building program we have undertaken this year by faith in an effort to move five more organized New Testament Churches from tents into permanent buildings. To that end, and through our partnership with Baumhauer Road Baptist Church, we have surveyed and purchased a plot of land for the Landmark Baptist Church at Morrerweis which is the village known as the "murderers " and is located in the Kerio Valley. What can be more exciting than seeing the joy upon the faces of these young churches as they praise the Lord for what he is doing in their lives. God is good and worthy to be praised!
Transferring Funds for Plot at Morreweris in the Kerio Valley
As I write this blog entry, the steel for the poles and trusses are being fabricated and in the coming weeks and months we should see the new sanctuary rise from the ground. Additionally, we have surveyed and purchased the plot of land for the Landmark Baptist Church at Chengenji which is located at the base of Mt. Elgon. This Church has been adopted by the 1st Baptist Church of Kingstowne in Alexandria, Virginia. We thank God for faithful ministry partners who see the need to plant New Testament Churches and encourage the believers of these young Church plants. We are still praying for other ministry partners to adopt three more Churches currently meeting under tents. Would you pray about helping us put a roof over the heads of the believers at the Landmark Baptist Church of Chelekei on Mt. Elgon or the Landmark Baptist Church of Kakaron, Uganda?
Steel for Trusses being delivered to Welder
Trusses Being Welded for Landmark Baptist Church
This Month The Florida Plant received a blessing
from Macedonia Missionary Services as part of their van re-appropriation
ministry. They take older vans, mechanically update them and then give them
to new Church plants like the Florida Plant. Thank you Brother Terry Molden
(mechanic) for your hard work and dedication to our Lord and Savior. Brother
Terry truly uses his gifts for the glory of
God. We are praying God will use this old van to bring many young folks to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and their lives will be so touched by God as they become the future Church. The Van ministry is one of the most laborious but rewarding outreach ministries any Church can endeavor to use to reach their community. It is worth noting that 85% of Christians received Christ before the age of eighteen.
One of our faithful Van Riders (Dante) being baptized
Four Youth with Certificates of Baptism
We are also praying for our next van as we have a vision to run as many as five vans out into the highways and hedges to bring them in from the fields of sin. Do you have an old van that you would consider donating to this worthy cause? Thank you for allowing us to share our journey of faith and thank you to each and every ministry partner who supports us prayerfully and financial.
Pastor Peter Barasa & Pastor Sharack have just returned from Obama's homeland in
Siaya, (Lake Victoria) where they led twenty-five Luo tribesmen to Christ.
May God continue to bless these evangelist's who hazard their lives for the preaching of the
Gospel. God is good and worthy to be praised!
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez