Where does the time go? Still not sure we will ever be able to adjust to fast
pace life in America but the more I watch and observe our friends, brethren and
family here in the USA, I see everyone is struggling with busyness. Perhaps they
just don't see it like we do. Terry and I are digging in our heels and regularly
throwing out the anchor as best we can not to let schedules and opportunities
keep us from experiencing the depth of relationships Africa has taught us,
starting with our Lord and Savior and extending to those whom we love dearly.
The Florida Plant is growing slowly but surely and we have led twenty one to
Christ by the grace of God. We are also entering a new season of growth where
we are starting to develop into a church family that is spending time together
in settings beyond the worship service. One of those experiences was a quick
trip to the Holy Land. Before you get all excited, know that living in Florida
affords us unique tourist opportunities like the Holy Land Experience in
While it is not exactly like visiting Israel and not entirely
scriptural, there are some great exhibits and dramas that do encourage your
faith. So I guess you can say this was our first field trip as a Church
family. While we were in the Holy Land, Pastor Moses and some of His Church
leaders took the funds we gave them and purchased our second Ugandan Church plot
in the village of Kakaron. These types of events are a huge encouragement to the
Church which has been meeting on a borrowed plot under trees and in a tent for
around four years now. It is also a great encouragement for us to see the
spreading of the gospel from Kenya into neighboring Uganda.
Surveying the New Plot, Landmark Baptist Church, Uganda
We would still love
to come along side of this faithful group of believers at the
Baptist Church of Kakaron, Uganda to help them at the very least put a roof over
their heads. However, working with our brethren in Kenya, Uganda and now the
Florida Plant is starting to push our financial limits and while we are not full
time residents in East Africa anymore we are still deeply involved in their
lives and ministry. If you or your Church would like to receive a blessing,
this scriptural Church needs approximately: $1000.00 for Steel Poles, cement and
transport costs, $1000.00 for trusses and transport costs & $1200.00 for
iron sheets for the roof. Terry and I have already stepped out on faith and
purchased the plot for them. They are willing of themselves to do the labor
part and they will be responsible for finishing the sanctuary but we try to
partner with them to get them out of the sun and rain. Please pray about helping
our Ugandan brethren with this latest construction project and designate any
offerings "construction". While Pastor Moses and our Ugandan brethren finalized
the purchase of the plot at Kakaron, Uganda, we baptized six young folks here in
Our heavenly Father continues to answer our prayers with regard to
the salvation and discipleship of those he places on our path of life. Four of
these youngsters are regular riders on our van route and two of them were our
grandsons, Chuckie IV and Kason. Last year as Terry and I were flying out of
Kenya with her in great medical distress, and while looking out the window as
Kenya became smaller and smaller in our sight, I leaned over and told Terry that
I am afraid that everything we do in ministry from this point forward might be
anti-climatic because of all the great things we saw God do and bless over our
seven years of ministry in East Africa. I was
wrong! While the days of leading 800-1000 people to Christ
each year and planting multiple churches simultaneously may be behind us we are
still experiencing something more precious and priceless than all the years on
the foreign field combined, and that is bringing our grandchildren to the saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ and then scripturally baptizing them in the name of
the Father, Son & Holy Ghost. That is an answer to our prayers and a
spiritual mountain for Terry and I both. Thank you for allowing us to share our
hearts and ministry with you. We covet your continued prayers as we press
towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.
In His Service,
& Terry Fernandez
Bro. Chuck & Sis.
Terry FernandezKenya/Uganda/The Florida Plant
Our Exterior Classroom fund for Jr. Church /Youth currently remains $1,500.00.
Would you consider a special offering to help relieve overcrowding of youth and so we can bring more kids to Christ? Goal is $5,000.00.
Please be reminded that any and all Financial Support needs to be Sent to
Sending Church Information:
First Baptist Church of East Bay
10102 Old Big Bend Rd.
Riverview, Florida 33578