Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Men & Women in Training

“Tuko Pamoja Ndanye Christo” is Swahili which means “We are together in Christ”.
This simple East African saying becomes more of a reality with every passing day.
The vision, burden and work which we helped facilitate in Kenya and Uganda is exactly what is taking place on an ongoing basis in America and world-wide for that matter.
The replication of faith in the hearts of believers of Jesus Christ breaks through cultural barriers and has survived the test of time through thousands of years. 
And the training of those disciples both men and women is a process that is alive and well today in 2015. 

This week we saw that we are truly together in Christ as Terry had the honor to teach the ladies of 1st Baptist Church East Bay in Riverview Florida, (Our Sending Church) while simultaneously, eight hours earlier the ladies Terry had trained in East Africa were teaching the younger ladies from the Landmark Baptist Churches in the Mt. Elgon Region.
Ladies of 1st Baptist East Bay, Riverview
Terry, Sheila Meyers, & Rosie
Terry's Love and 'Jesus Joy' shines brightly in Kenya or Florida
The 'Investment of Faith and Love' Kenya Mama's 
Women in the Faith....who are 'faithful'...
While I know Terry fiercely misses her band of Mama’s in Kenya, I know it also does her heart good to share the word of God and her experiences over the years with other women here in America.   Titus 2:4  "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands,
to love their children."
She has truly developed into a gifted teacher who loves the Lord and His people.
The reproduction of solid Christians in both faith and practice is a beautiful thing that brings God honor and glory through His New Testament Churches.
We have a good strong core group of believers who are serving the Lord through the Florida Plant in Brooksville, Florida, to include a good crop of young men who are willing to serve the Lord in whatever capacity is needed. 
Lord knows each church needs young Timothy’s of faith to develop into pillars of the Church and the future leaders of God’s work.     Chuck III
 Vinny & Logan
In addition to these young men and women of faith, God has also blessed us with season veterans of the faith to give our young Church plant a stable foundation.
We have united for the cause of Christ through His local New Testament Church to bring Him honor and glory until  He returns for us or until He takes us home.
In addition to what might be called normal ministry activities, Terry and I continue to do deputation work among our Churches on Sunday evenings in order to keep our ministry partners informed about “The Florida Plant” as well as Kenya/Uganda Church Development.
Please keep us in your prayers as we press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.
Also, note that I have attached our latest newsletters for your viewing. 
In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Parchments, Launch Day and the Van

Where does the time go? Life in America runs at break neck speed and as Terry and I work through the process of re-assimilation we are wondering if we will ever fit back into the culture and land we were born into. We know the years in East Africa has changed us and it's not that we do not work hard but it is just that the pace here keeps us gasping for air.   Speaking of hard work, our Kenyan Pastors met at the base of Mt. Elgon this week for their quarterly training seminar.   We are pleased to see the training process and program we started continued by their own volition and initiative.   All sixteen Pastors and four Associate Pastors attended the three day seminar which was led by Pastor Peter, Pastor Shadrach and Pastor Daniel, the men whom we have invested the most time in during our work in Kenya.
Study Group
It was also a great blessing to hear that Pastor Moses from Uganda made the trip to Western Kenya to continue His education. Even in our absence, the educational process continues just as it did with the apostles in the New Testament. It would be the great Apostle Paul who would ask young Timothy to bring His books and especially the parchments so that he could study and write until his last day.   It does our hearts and conscious good to know that each year we would add books and study materials to our Pastors personal libraries so that they would have the ability to study and educate themselves and to feed the flocks of God.   We continue to support these seminars by helping with the cost of transportation as these Men of God travel from Mt. Elgon, Lake Victoria, The Kerio Valley and Uganda.   And while the host Church takes care of their lodging, we also help with the costs of feeding them.   We need your continued support to encourage these Men of God to move forward in their faith. I am excited about their continued growth, the unity of fellowship and also about the fact that God willing I will be able to host and conduct their next training seminar when I return in September. Please pray for these Men of God and their Churches. On the Florida Church planting front, last week we hosted a "Launch Out" service. We invited friends, family, acquaintances and brethren to help us celebrate the birth and launch of another New Testament Church.  Jesus said, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. We obey the Lord and say, nevertheless Lord, we will launch out and put our nets down here in Florida. There were seventy four people who attended this special service and we had a great day of worship and fellowship.  
Launch Out
The spirit was sweet, the teaching and preaching was powerful and the fellowship was a blessing. All and all, it was a good day for our small church family to come together in one accord to prepare the building, tents, food and grounds for this great occasion.  Each and every person contributed in their own special way and this type of event helps unify us in the bonds of Christ for His honor and glory. This special service also provided the perfect opportunity to unite our Sending Pastor, Dr. Tim Myers, 1st Baptist East Bay and our Co-Sponsoring Pastor, Tim Johnson, Dean Springs MBC who flew in from Arkansas.       Dr. Tim Meyers
 Tim Johnson
These great men of God have already been such a blessing to this Missionary and our Church but it was good for us all to be together under one roof praising and worshiping the Lord.   And as usual, even though she is not at 100%, my amazing wife Terry was deeply involved in preparation and organization. Our Church family is quickly finding out that Terry and I work closely together as a ministry team that has been solidified by our years in East Africa.   We taught our Kenyan Pastors that a strong marriage produces a strong ministry so please continue to pray for us as believe that American Church planting is a greater challenge than African Church planting.   In Closing, our small humble Church family has been praying for God to meet specific needs that our young Church plant has and this week God answered another one of those specific needs with a Ford Van which was given as a love offering by Pastor Tom Reeves and the Church family of Bible Baptist Church of Crystal River.
Blessing Van
These types of great blessings are an affirmation that God's hand continues to be great upon us as Nehemiah said and that he will provide for His work in America just as He has done in Africa if we will continue to do it His way and according to His perfect will. Amen and Amen.   Thank you for allowing us the blessed privilege to share our journey of faith as we press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

In His Service,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya Church Development & The Florida Plant