Thank you to the many churches and individuals who support this ministry which continues to focus on evangelism, discipleship and church planting.
While the main structure of each of the three sanctuaries is complete, there are still bricks to be made and finishing touches to be completed which will take some time.
The Lord’s Day this week was spent worshiping and teaching at a village called Soysambu.
Soysambu is what I like to refer to as a second generation outreach that was started from our first Church plant (LBC Mawe Tatu) sending out their Associate Pastor Japheth.
Pastor Japheth
This is also the village that Bro. Gary Weidenbach and his Macedonian short term mission’s team helped us do the initial evangelism.
With all that said, I hope you can wrap your heart and mind around the fact that we have Churches we have help start, which have now matured and are they, themselves sending preachers with a burden to their neighboring villages to start more Churches.
I believe that our life’s work and legacy will not be measured solely by the number of Churches we leave behind, but rather by the individual disciples we leave behind who are able to in turn make new converts and then disciple those converts.
Japheth is one of those men saved through village evangelism who was successfully discipled and then surrendered to the ministry.
He is now one of our leading men that help start the work in Pokot and now at Soysambu.
New Christiams
Japheth has been a blessing to this Missionary in so many ways as he is also the man we turn to for laying out the new sanctuaries and constructing them.
It just goes to show how God blesses the obedience of His servants who will simply follow his commandments as well as His leadership through His Holy Spirit.
In evangelism, you never know who is standing on the other side of that door and whose heart God will prick to bring them to salvation.
...Note to self: God will continue to show Himself faithful by His amazing grace if we will simply continue to be faithful.
The work at Soysambu has followed the exact pattern we have successfully used in Church planting over the last few years.
#1. We always start with house to house village evangelism.
#2. We then teach basic discipleship on a monthly basis to the new converts.
#3. This is then followed by a midweek Bible study and fellowship.
#4. We start to assemble these new believers on the Lord’s
Day for singing, teaching and preaching when there is a God called national
preacher to lead them.
#5. We will baptize and
organize them into a New Testament Church.I know there are many Missionary methods, however, this method has produced much fruit which is now bearing new fruit and I subscribe to the philosophy that as long as it is scriptural and is not broken then there is no need to fix it.
We met in a small house on Sunday with around twenty folks who have a real thirst for God and a hunger for His word. Singing
Soysambu Children
As I taught on the early
Church, I reminded these young converts that our meeting place was very similar
to that of the early Church.Rom 16:5 " likewise greet the church that is in their house. "
1Co 16:19 " The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house."
Col 4:15" Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house."
Please continue to pray for Brother Japheth, this young work and the new believers of Soysambu as they grow in their faith.
We are in no rush to baptize and organize this outreach into a Church as African culture teaches that when we are in a hurry we will miss the blessing.
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Phil. 4:13