Monday, March 26, 2012

Visiting Preachers, Women’s Seminar and Missing Members

                                           Ugali Together....
We hosted two visiting Preachers from the Turkana district this week that had traveled down to get medical treatment at one of the private hospitals here in Eldoret. Pastor Moses who is from a village called Nagolipus has lived with an inner ear problem for four years now that causes headaches, earaches and dizziness. While he received treatment in Turkana during that time, there was no ear doctor there for him to get a proper diagnosis.
The ear doctor here in Eldoret diagnosed him with a rare inner ear disease, treated him and sent him home to heal.
The Turkana have a special place in our hearts as they are the first tribe Terry and I worked with here in Kenya.
Please pray that God will continue to heal Pastor Moses.
While we enjoyed hosting these men of God, the highlight of our week was a women’s seminar that Terry was invited to teach at the LBC Namarambi.   
There were over fifty women who attended the seminar in which Terry used a newly donated oven to teach on the recipe of a successful Christian home as well as learning to be faithful to: God, their family and their Church.  
Now let me pause here and be reminded just how blessed I am to have a wife that loves the Lord, loves me and God’s women in such a way that she is willing to do what Bible says to do in
Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;  
Titus 2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
Titus 2:5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Terry is an excellent teacher who has years of training and experience in living out her faith while being completely dedicated to her Lord and Saviour. Her personal ministry is making a great difference in the lives of these women as well as the Churches.
It has been said that the Church is only a strong as the weakest family, so if Terry helps these women grow in their faith through sound Biblical teaching she is in turn helping strengthen the Church. Through this lesson series they are also learning to cook banana bread and corn bread which has never been introduced to their culture, so she will leave behind a spiritual legacy through her teachings and example as well as a physical legacy through baking. (see picture below with poem)
The ladies will use the oven to bake their new found recipes of bread and sell them to fund their ladies ministry within the church which creates great fellowship.    
The most humbling part of the seminar is when the ladies march forward one by one to give their teacher gifts of appreciation for doing what nobody else has ever done for them before, by giving them something that more valuable than silver and gold. Terry received eggs, live chickens, avocados and a pineapple as a love offering which is of great price for people who survive day to day on very little.  
                                Gift of Eggs 
Gift of Chicken
Gift of Pineapple
Love Their Teacher
Lunch Break
While the ladies were attending the seminar, the men gathered together to do village evangelism where two people made professions in Christ. My visitation partner was Pastor Daniel. We made follow up visits with Church members that have been saved and baptized over the last few years but have not been in Church in some time.  
                      Pastor Peter & Missionary Chuck
This confirmation process of following up with absentee members is something that every Pastor worldwide must do from time to time. We had a great day together and I believe we were able to encourage a handful of back slidden members to return to the Lord.
                                 Missing Members
There are times when I get the impression that people think our ministry here in Africa is guaranteed with successful Christian converts who are automatically programmed to be faithful. Anyone who believes that needs to sue their brain for non-support as Satan is continually buffeting God’s people worldwide. So this is the harder part of the work that maybe does not get reported on as much but nevertheless, encouraging the saints of God to remain steadfast and immovable is a reality on the African mission field as well.
In closing, please find the below poem which will touch your heart regarding the unsung hero of the mission field.  
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

The unsung Heroine of the Mission Field

She follows two true loves most of her life
Often alone during great stress and strife:
Leaving loved ones for homes far away,
Not knowing just how long she will stay.
Some have to learn a new way to cook and eat,
Sometimes can't even talk to the people they meet.
Their families move from place to place
Completely dependent on God for His grace.
She is the one who keeps him in prayer
And mends his socks and pants when they tear.
She stretches the food like you’ve never seen.
You wouldn't believe what she does with sardines.
She is his cheerleader as he tries to win the world
And he never has doubts that she is his girl.
She keeps things going when he is away
And teaches her children to go not Astray
She helps wherever she can with his ministry
Trying to assist him in any way she can see.
Her life she has given to God and this man,
Praise from others was never in her plan.
She's her children's schoolteacher, tailor, and cook,
Trying to keep them in control with that look.
Teaching them to try to fit in where they live,
Yet holding morals that will not give.
She's given her life helping and serving others,
Leaving behind her sisters and brothers,
The unsung heroine of the mission field,
The missionaries wife, whose life we have revealed. 

Janet Aligood 1999

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Band of Brothers and The End Times

Pastor Jackson & Missionary Chuck
The highlight of this week was the Prophecy Seminar we held for the Pastors and Preachers we are currently working with. Demographically, there were thirty two men of God gathered from four different regions representing four different tribes, fifteen different villages and eight different Landmark Baptist Churches here in Kenya.
These quarterly seminars give us the opportunity to bring the entire team together to reinforce the teachings and training they are receiving on an individual basis. As our work continues to expand by God’s grace through new converts, new Churches and new outreaches, we have a great responsibility to give these Preachers and Pastors the best Bible based education possible so they can in turn feed their flocks a steady diet of God’s Word to insure their continued growth.
There is a great bond that is forming among these men of God as we serve the Lord together.
It is a bond that is hard to describe but one that might be compared to a Band of Brothers who are serving their Lord and Savior by fighting the good fight of faith and fulfilling their calling. Not only has this team grown tenfold since 2009, but they are also growing closer to each other.
It is a great joy for me to step back and watch the more experienced and mature preachers help encourage the younger preachers in God’s work during these seminars.
As a foreign missionary, God has equipped me to give them a solid Bible education along with Pastoral experience, however, there are so many areas, culturally speaking, that I will never be able to fully understand no matter how long I am here.
This adds another valuable dimension to these quarterly seminars where this band of brothers is able to help and encourage one another in their ministry as well. It also is encouraging to be able to see the depth of each Church and each outreach having three and four young men being trained to do God’s work.
Eschatology is one of my favorite subjects to teach and is a reminder of the investment that great men of God have made in my life over the years.   Eschatology Teaching
Many of our preachers have been through the surveys of the Old and New Testament but are now desiring to learn more about Prophecy.
The teachings this week included: the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Judgment seat of Christ, the Marriage of the Lamb, the Battle of Armageddon, the 1000 year Millennium, the Great White Throne and the New Heaven and New Earth.
My voice is still hoarse but we had a great time studying God’s Word together. 
                            Break Time  
The feedback I received was that while they had studied many of these topics individually, it was the first time for most them to have a comprehensive study that tied everything together.
Finally, each Preacher in attendance was given a copy of the entire study with scripture references for their personal library.
We believe that leaving a quality Christian legacy behind involves more than just the number of Churches that we leave behind.
Our legacy will also ultimately be judged on the maturity of these saints whom God has allowed us the honor and privilege to teach and who will glorify God by living the Christian life through both faith and practice.
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13

Monday, March 12, 2012

Second Generation Outreaches & Missionary Moments

Terry's Evangelistic Team
Allocation of time and resources is something that every ministry has to consider in order to utilize these most precious resources in the most efficient manner possible while bringing God maximum honor and glory. The theme of time is mentioned extensively in the book of Ecclesiastes 3, To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: And the theme of redeeming the time is mentioned in the books of Ephesians and Colossians as a reminder that we are to be good stewards by making good use of our time as we are only given a limited amount. With that said we try to focus our resources where they are most needed and will produce the most fruit. Such was the case with our follow up visit to the village of Soysambu this week. Soysambu is what I would refer to as a second generation outreach that has been spawned from the first Church we planted here in Kenya in 2009, the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu/Nzoia or as we affectionately call “3 Stones”. It is these second generation works that we are emphasizing by putting our time and resources into, thus encouraging them to grow in the Lord.             Gospel Preachers 
We are currently working with ten of these second generation outreaches which Lord willing will someday be organized into autonomous self sustaining Churches. Soysambu is located in the region between the LBC Mawe Tatu and the LBC Namarambi and we are very much in the crucial early stages of watering the seeds so they will continue to grow. Pastors and members from both of these Churches met us at Soysambu to do evangelism and discipleship training. We were greatly encouraged to see fifteen more people trust Christ as personal Lord and Savior this week, one of which was a ninety two year old lady whom Terry led to Christ.             Terry's Evangelistic Team
We are also encouraged by the fact that there is now a weekly Bible Study taking place every Thursday and starting next month, the Assistant Pastor from LBC Mawe Tatu will be traveling there each Sunday afternoon to meet with these new believers. There is a great deal of patience exhibited by these preachers as they know that this is a long term commitment they have made which is going to take years to bring these young converts to a place of maturity. Sometimes I think our fast paced Western mentality is one of the greatest hindrances to God’s work. We have a tendency to want to see the fruit in the immediate here and now and if we do not see the fruit growing before our eyes we will quickly abandon the crop before it has a chance to grow. The years of the commitment and effort Jesus put into His apostles was much more than I am afraid most Christians are willing to invest into another persons life and Christian growth in this day and age. This is definitely something that Africa has taught me and has been deeply etched into my heart and mind.
    Please pray for this young outreach at Soysambu.
                            Nelson......Precious Children
This week we have also had our trials or what I like to call “missionary moments”. These are not complaints; I am merely recording the experience for us to remember in our old age and for others to share this experience on the foreign field. For example, the truck continues to be a source of problems with the front end needing extensive work on bushings and the trailing arms. I also had to rivet the back windows in so they would not fall out. We have been without water for four days now and have experienced what our people do every day in village life. Bringing water in from an outside source has reminded us of the difficulties of village life. At least we did not have to walk to the river or dig it out of a dry river bed and then carry it on our heads for five kilometers. The electricity and internet has been on and off all week as well. In closing, I want to thank the many folks that support this ministry through their faithful prayers and finances. Additionally, I want to thank F.I.S.H. ministries for their continued support by keeping us supplied with Swahili John & Romans so that every new believer has the opportunity to read the Word of God.
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Phil. 4:13

Monday, March 5, 2012

Village Evangelism & A Heart of Worship

Children's Shelter
There are two items of business I need to clear up before I enter our weekly journal blog. #1: As you can see, I have used a new venue to post our weekly journal in the form of a Picasa photo album. My hope is that we will be able to share more photos along with the blog entry by using the Picasa slideshow format.
  (NOTE: Any feedback with regard to this new method of sharing our ministry would be deeply appreciated.)
  Kindly drop me a reply at your earliest convenience with your feedback, good or bad.
#2: Somebody has hacked Terry’s Yahoo account and is using our ministry mailing list to send out money making emails without our permission. We are not here to make money but rather to do God’s work so please disregard. However, if you have made millions on line and want to give to God’s work, feel free to do as God leads you. LOL. Terry is going to close her Yahoo account for this reason. Sorry for any inconvenience.

This week we traveled to the Kerio Valley to minister to the Pokot tribe in the villages of Katuperot and Cheposabei. The village of Katuperot is the neighboring village to Cheposabei where we have planted our first Pokot Church. Many of the members of the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei along with their Pastor Timothy Loquardo participated in the evangelism efforts. Make no mistake about it, Terry and I share God’s Word but we have much joy in watching our children in the faith growing up and sharing God’s Word with their neighboring villages. We believe that good Disciples of Christ make other disciples through one on one evangelism.

        Bible in Hand....
Our leader for this week’s evangelism was Solomon. In the pictures you will recognize a young preacher who is physically impaired with a deformed foot from birth. You probably have to see Solomon walking first hand through the desert heat on crutches to appreciate the effort he is putting forth but take my word; he is determined to deliver the gospel. The average Christian will not walk across the street with two good legs to share God’s word and here is a man with make shift crutches walking many miles to be a witness for Christ. It is very humbling to walk behind him as he struggles with each step and I often think to myself just how much he loves the Lord and how obedient of a servant he is. His testimony is much like many of those in Cheposabei where he was a drunkard and actually avoided us our first two visits in 2010. It would be our third visit that God would speak to his heart and told him to go and hear what we had to say. During this visit he would accept Christ by faith and a year later surrender to preach the gospel. He is now the Assistant Pastor and a key leader in the church. After house to house evangelism we gathered everyone together at the water hole for afternoon teachings. The folks of Katuperot are definitely getting more comfortable with us and it does our hearts good that they now call Terry by the name, “Mama Teresa” and of course I am known by the name of “Carlos”.  
                           New Solar Audio Bible 
Village Evangelism
They love to see us come for teachings and we are building strong relationships with these folks as we move from planting seeds to watering them. There were twelve more that accepted Christ this week and are now birthed into the family of God through salvation.   
                               Evangelism Team 
This makes dozens who have professed Christ over the last month and we are now strategically aiming the teachings at basic discipleship. Terry takes the ladies to one side of the river while I take the men to the other side and we taught them about what is means to be a Christian, the early Church and this week I also taught on lessons from the Sermon on the Mount. The words of Jesus are still the bread of life that every man needs to live by. What an honor! 
                                     Terry and Watoto
This trip also afforded us the opportunity to survey the new plot which we will start building on at the end of the month. We had great worship services on the Lord’s Day with the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei and judging from the singing and testimonies the people really have a heart to worship. Their testimonies will bring tears to your eyes, about how God is not only transforming lives but also the entire village.
They recall the days before we brought the love of Christ to their village as days of darkness and without peace. We know what a difference the Lord has made in our lives and every time we visit Cheposebei we see firsthand the difference God is making in this desert village. On our trip back to Eldoret Terry and I had a good laugh as we wondered how many of our brethren in America have the opportunity to set up the tent to worship under, or how many of our brethren had camels surround the sanctuary and interrupt the service by eating loudly or how many people are blessed to eat MRE’s on the way home from Church on the Lord’s Day?
All I can say is that we are blessed!

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Phil. 4:13