Ugali Together....
We hosted two visiting Preachers from
the Turkana district this week that had traveled down to get medical treatment
at one of the private hospitals here in Eldoret. Pastor Moses
who is from a village called Nagolipus has lived with an inner ear problem for
four years now that causes headaches, earaches and dizziness.
While he received treatment in Turkana during that time, there was no ear
doctor there for him to get a proper diagnosis.
The ear doctor
here in Eldoret diagnosed him with a rare inner ear disease, treated him and
sent him home to heal.
The Turkana have a special
place in our hearts as they are the first tribe Terry and I worked with here in
Please pray that God will continue to heal Pastor
While we enjoyed hosting these men of God,
the highlight of our week was a women’s seminar that Terry was invited to teach
at the LBC Namarambi.
There were over fifty women who attended
the seminar in which Terry used a newly donated oven to teach on the recipe of a
successful Christian home as well as learning to be faithful to:
God, their family and their Church.
Now let me pause here
and be reminded just how blessed I am to have a wife that loves the Lord, loves
me and God’s women in such a way that she is willing to do what Bible says to do
2:3 The aged women
likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false
accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their
husbands, to love their children,
Titus 2:5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good,
obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Terry is an excellent teacher who has years of training and
experience in living out her faith while being completely dedicated to her Lord
and Saviour. Her personal ministry is making a great difference
in the lives of these women as well as the Churches.
It has been
said that the Church is only a strong as the weakest family, so if Terry helps
these women grow in their faith through sound Biblical teaching she is in turn
helping strengthen the Church. Through this lesson series they
are also learning to cook banana bread and corn bread which has never been
introduced to their culture, so she will leave behind a spiritual legacy through
her teachings and example as well as a physical legacy through baking.
(see picture below with poem)
The ladies will use the oven to bake their new found
recipes of bread and sell them to fund their ladies ministry within the church
which creates great fellowship.
The most humbling part of the
seminar is when the ladies march forward one by one to give their teacher gifts
of appreciation for doing what nobody else has ever done for them before, by
giving them something that more valuable than silver and gold.
Terry received eggs, live chickens, avocados and a pineapple
as a love offering which is of great price for people who survive day to day on
very little.
Gift of Eggs
Gift of Chicken
Gift of Pineapple
Love Their Teacher
Lunch Break
While the ladies were attending the seminar, the
men gathered together to do village evangelism where two people made professions
in Christ. My visitation partner was Pastor
Daniel. We made follow up visits with Church members that have
been saved and baptized over the last few years but have not been in Church in
some time.
Pastor Peter & Missionary Chuck
This confirmation process of following up with
absentee members is something that every Pastor worldwide must do from time to
time. We had a great day together and I believe we were able to
encourage a handful of back slidden members to return to the Lord.
Missing Members
There are
times when I get the impression that people think our ministry here in Africa is
guaranteed with successful Christian converts who are automatically programmed
to be faithful. Anyone who believes that needs to sue their
brain for non-support as Satan is continually buffeting God’s people
worldwide. So this is the harder part of the work that maybe
does not get reported on as much but nevertheless, encouraging the
saints of God to remain steadfast and immovable is a reality on the African
mission field as well.
closing, please find the below poem which will touch your heart
regarding the unsung hero of the mission field.
In His
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
The unsung Heroine of the Mission
She follows two true loves most of her
Often alone during great stress and
Leaving loved ones for homes far
Not knowing just how long
she will
Some have to learn a new way
to cook and eat,
Sometimes can't even
talk to the people they meet.
Their families move from place to
Completely dependent on God for His
She is the one who keeps him in
And mends his socks
and pants when they tear.
She stretches the food like you’ve never
You wouldn't believe what she does with
She is his cheerleader as he tries
to win the world
And he never has doubts that
she is
his girl.
She keeps things going when he is
And teaches her
children to go not Astray
She helps wherever she can with his
Trying to assist him in any way she
can see.
Her life she has given to God
and this man,
Praise from others was never in her
She's her children's schoolteacher, tailor, and cook,
Trying to keep them in control with that look.
Teaching them to try to fit in
where they live,
Yet holding morals that will not
She's given her life helping and serving others,
The unsung heroine of the
mission field,
The missionaries wife, whose life we have revealed.
Janet Aligood