Monday, September 26, 2011

No End In Sight, Evangelism, Plot Purchase & Lemons

We currently have two sanctuaries under construction which are nearing completion. While the members of the Landmark Baptist Church of Kipsigon and LBC of Mawe Tatu have carried the load during the building process we have been behind the scenes constructing windows, doors, pews etc... This week we completed the pews for the LBC of Three Stones minus one board which we lost during the trip on the rough and rocky roads. I can’t imagine how that happened?
While the physical work of building the sanctuary of the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu (3 Stones) comes to an end, I look on the horizon as we prepare to start two new sanctuaries on Mt. Elgon and believe there is no end in sight, at least in the foreseeable near future. We also realize that Church planting does not end with the building of the sanctuary, and we will invest many more hours, days and weeks of coming along Pastor Shadrach and his congregation to encourage, to teach and to enjoy the sweet fellowship that started almost three years ago while serving our Lord and Savior together.  
This week we also did evangelism with the members of the Landmark Baptist Church at Mayanja. 
Before we did evangelism we surveyed the new plot which we help them purchase this week by faith believing that God’s people who believe in the great commission will continue to support this young church.     Group Church Plot
The plot is approximately a ½ acre and is located right smack dab in the middle of the village which has a population of over one thousand. We stood on the crest of the hill where the plot is located and looked out over kilometers of the sprawling village with mud houses and thatch roofs and thanked God for Pastor Nixon and the New Testament church that is growing spiritually and physically each week. We have experienced the grace of God in this latest church plant as there have been many trials in just arriving at the exact location the Lord wanted these people to meet.
                                If my memory serves me correctly, this will be the forth meeting place this young church has had in one year and a half but we praise God that this is the right place and they will no longer have to rent or borrow a plot to assemble themselves to worship the Lord. They will still meet under a tent during the meantime, but we thank God He has provided a plot that can never be taken away from them. There are many things that impress me so much about this Church.
Number one: they have stayed together in unity during the trials of moving from place to place.
Number two; this is one of the only Churches we have where the men actually outnumber women.
This is definitely the exception to the rule here in Kenya as the women seem to be the ones who make up most of these churches in these early infant stages. However, Mayanja has strong men who are the leaders of this work.
Men like: Moses, Fred, Chester and Dismes have stepped forward to proclaim God’s word in their village.  
                             Pastor Pete & Chester Moore 
This was clearly evident as they led our evangelism efforts alongside their young Pastor this weekend. As we went house to house my heart was beating a mile a minute from the joy of seeing these men unashamed to be called Christians and introducing their neighbors to us and the Lord through the gospel. We realize that one of the most important parts of our personal work is teaching these folks to share God’s plan of salvation so they can do the work in their village and abroad long after we are gone. You can tell they were listening intently as we shared God’s love with their friends and neighbors and preached God’ word. We are committed to this mentoring and training process until they become “fishers of men”. This is all part of the process Jesus used to train men that would turn the world upside down with the soul winning, life transforming gospel.

New Testament Christianity is alive and well today as the baton is passing from believer to believer until Jesus returns. As we travel this journey of faith, God continues to do a great work in our lives through his infinite grace and mercy.
                         Happy Servants.....of Christ!
In closing, I have to let you know how tough my wife Terry is. The last two weeks she has experienced the same symptoms that landed her in the emergency room during our furlough to remove a urinary tract blockage. She has been in a lot of pain from what we believed to be more kidney stones which also makes her violently sick.
After several sleepless nights of pain and sickness and after much prayer we found an online home remedy which said straight lemon juice actually dissolves kidneys stones. Needless to say, we went out and bought every lemon at the local market and began juicing. Even though the straight lemon juice made her sick, it appears after three days that it may have worked and has passed those painful stones.
In addition to this bout of kidney stones she took a hard fall while crossing a creek during Saturday’s evangelism. She is one tough cookie and there were around twenty who professed Christ on Saturday because she loves the Lord and gives of herself sacrificial. 
                                        Terry & Carlitos  
Thank you for praying for us daily!

In His Service,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez

Kenya                                   Got Chickens
Phil. 4:13 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Women’s Seminar & Collard Greens 101

Winston Churchill once said,
                       “My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me. 
     There are many days when I could echo the sentiments of Churchill about my wife, Terry, and none more so than this week as she held a two~day women’s seminar
     for the ladies of our churches near Mt. Elgon.  
     There were over seventy women present from six different churches and four different tribes, many of whom traveled as far as seventy kilometers to attend and many with babies on their backs. 
     These types of major contributions to my ministry not only compliment everything I do as a missionary but also serve as a great reminder that we are a team. It is a blessing to not only have Terry by my side but to have her taking the time and initiative to teach the Momma’s in our work.   
                                       Old Mamam
     Terry has taken what she has been taught over the last twenty plus years while being faithful to the house of God and given it to the Momma’s that she loves so much.
     What an unbelievable asset she is to my ministry! 
                            Mama Violet & Terry
     With a wide range of ladies present, representing a wide range of Christians in their walk with God, she started the seminar by reviewing a basic discipleship course.
      She then taught the ladies how to do one-on-one evangelism, which the more mature Christians have been asking her to teach since the last seminar. 
Student Group
         The second day she taught them the
 fruits of the Holy Spirit.
     Words cannot describe how much the women love Terry and how thankful
 they are that she would take time to teach them how to become Godly women.  
      While Terry is honored to teach the ladies they seem to be so honored to have someone to teach them in a seminar designed specifically for them. It was heavenly for us (men) to sit outside and listen to the praise radiating from God’s women as they sang in unison.   
For Terry it was simply doing God’s will for her life as a missionary wife and being obedient to scripture.
  Tit 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
  Tit 2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
  Tit 2:5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
  This is what I like to call 'collard greens 101'.
     One of the many talents that Terry excels at, is cooking. She is particularly known for her collard greens which she learned how to cook from her grandmother, Mamie Moore ,and my grandmother, Lula Baxter, both southern girls.
     She is still giving God her best by continuing to pass on the Biblical lessons she has learned over the years and what a difference she is making in their lives. I know all of these women are very special to Terry but she was especially blessed that a young Pokot Lady named Elizabeth whom she led to Christ last year traveled all the way from the Kerio Valley to be taught by her mentor.
Pokot Convert, Elizabeth, and baby......
     Elizabeth gave a beautiful testimony of being led to Christ by Terry on a dusty Pokot trail last year while she was gathering fire wood and how her life has been forever changed by the Lord.  
     Needless to say, there were few dry eyes.
     Terry’s women's ministry is a beautiful picture of what Jesus did with His disciples as He developed them into the future leaders. He spent time with them, He nurtured them, He confronted them and He inspired them. The legacy that we leave behind will not necessarily only be the number of Churches planted but rather in the number of lives changed by the power of God who will in turn continue the work that we have started through their local church.

     We are still a little weary from our travels this week as we slept in the village which of course gives one a perspective of village life. Outdoor showers and facilities with no electricity or running water are a reminder of how blessed we are, but there is also something special about waking up in a remote village with the solitude of a beautiful sunrise accompanied with the sounds of the roosters crowing and children laughing.
Little Carlos
     We are incredibly privileged to have men and women that have a longing in their hearts to walk with God and are willing to let us teach them the things that we have been taught by our Pastors and mentors over the years.
     What calling could possibly be higher?
     Please continue to pray that God’s Spirit will teach us and lead us as we teach others His Holy Word.

In His Service,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Phil. 4:13

Monday, September 12, 2011

Foundations, Finishing Touches & Insiders

The building process which we are currently experiencing in several different villages, reminds us that we are laying new foundations and building on these foundations each day of our ministry. We are making every effort to build on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ so that each and every work will stand and be sustained upon Christ alone.  
The Bible says,
 "except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." 
Our constant prayer is that the Lord will build the house as we labor. We have also put forth much effort into preaching the gospel where Christ has not been named lest we build upon another man’s foundation. I can’t help but to compare the work of the latest of two sanctuaries nearing completion with the building process in the lives of God’s people. What started in almost all of our works with new converts, in a new village, is beginning to blossom into growing and maturing saints of God who have coveted together as a Church family to carry out the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This building process is producing great joy in our lives.  
While we are working to help some reach their fullest potential and full maturity with finishing touches we are also laying new foundations that will require years of building. In addition to this week’s language studies, translating and bible studies we traveled back to Mawe Tatu (3 Stones), to deliver and install windows and doors on the sanctuary. 
         Drilling and Preparation 
These are some of the finishing touches to prepare for the sanctuary dedication service scheduled in two weeks.                        Japheth & I
"Knock....and the door shall open"
Other than a sunburned head from wearing a visor instead of hat, we had a great day in the village working alongside of God’s people.             Side View
I keep forgetting that while we are living and working at high elevations we are also located at the equator and the sun is strong enough to burn tender bald heads. The long term investments we are making into these churches are beginning to produce a new perspective of life in these villages. While we do not live in the village, the considerable amount of time we are spending with them is leading us to be known as residents instead of visitors.
Once people saw us in the village and wondered who we were and what we were doing but now our status has changed as we continue to build on the foundation that was started over two years ago. We are now known by name and welcomed as residents of the villages we are working in.  
Nowhere is this more evident than in the lives of the children who once feared us but now are always the first to welcome us and call us by name and now we find many who are named after us. Instead of being outsiders looking in we are now connected to these people through Christ. 
 As we worked installing the doors and windows, Terry was teaching the kids new songs and how to play some new games.             Singing Tony Chesnut
Candy Time
After the doors were installed Terry helped the women mud the exterior around the windows and doors.  
Working Women
There is so much going on right now that I can’t fit it all on one page but we also have some really exciting new foundations that we see on the horizon of our ministry in the very near future.    Work Crew
We need continued prayers for wisdom and discernment, love for the lost, the Lord, God’s people and for strength and power to preach the good news of the gospel.  

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13

Monday, September 5, 2011

Nairobi Maintenance, Colonel Sanders & Three Stones Update

Maintenance could very easily describe this week’s ministry activities. I am aware that I spend much time recording the intense maintenance of the Land Rover, but unfortunately it is a very real part of our daily life as a result of the extreme off road areas the Lord has led us to. And while this week’s maintenance, the completion of the new rear duel shocks and spring system was part of our week, it was not the only maintenance which took place.
                                  Dual Shocks......
Terry and I took a few days to travel to Nairobi to maintain ourselves since we have been hard at it over the last seven weeks. We found that during our first two year term we really did not take enough time to recuperate from the rigors and stresses of serving in the remote interior areas of Kenya. This left us drained and chronically fatigued. Anyone that has experienced this condition knows that it affects you spiritually and directly relates to your effectiveness. This was a lesson that a veteran missionary tried to explain to us several years ago but one that we had to experience ourselves the hard way. He said that, “if you do not remove yourself from the work here in Kenya every six weeks or so you will find yourself in a bad way”. We now know what he was talking about and have made a conscious effort to try to better maintain our overall health.
                                 Terry & Mamas....
I realize Nairobi is still in Kenya; however, it is the capital city where all the embassies are located with many modern malls and restaurants. There are places you can visit that actually remove you from the culture and surroundings for a short time. It is these short experiences that help you decompress from living in a land and culture that is completely foreign to our own. Culture shock is very real but I believe that culture rejection is sometimes needed to regain some level of comfort with your surroundings. Case in point, since our last visit to Nairobi, they have opened a Kentucky Fried Chicken. It may not sound like much but just the sight of Colonel Sanders smiling face helps removed you from the foreign environment, even if it is just for a few moments.                                     
The trip to Nairobi also gave us the opportunity to pick up supplies that are not available in Eldoret. Since fuel prices have risen over twenty percent since our last term there are many items that are no longer making it up country, especially food supplies. After returning from Nairobi we jumped back into the work at hand with a renewed vigor. We delivered windows to the LBC of Three stones .............
And this also gave us the opportunity to test the new double shocks and springs. They greatly reduce the impact that rough and rocky roads have on our backs.
We were amazed to find within the last ten days the construction of the sanctuary was almost completed.               M3...(Three Stones) Sanctuary...
I was told that over sixty neighbors within the village turned out one day to help mud the walls while the Pastor and His Associate Pastor finished the roofing. This speaks volumes of the testimony of Pastor Shadrach and the membership as they serve the Lord and live out their faith before their neighbors. 
  Inside Sanctuary
After services we visited the home of Japheth to have lunch. Japheth’s testimony is one that continues to be a great source of encouragement to Terry and I. It was almost three years ago that Japheth saw us coming to visit his house during village evangelism and ran out the back door. Since that day we caught up with him and the Lord got a hold of his heart bringing him to salvation. Once a drunkard and living a heathen life, he has been transformed into a mighty man of God that leads the building projects and has given the rest of his life to the Lord surrendering to the ministry.
                                         Japheth Family
Japheth was always respected for his commercial abilities as he has completed major construction projects all over the country but now is respected as a man of faith and integrity. He and Pastor Shadrach form one of our strongest leadership teams. We see the transforming power of God in action in saving Japheth and calling him into the ministry. He has been a blessing to us and many others.  
1Co 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. "
                                         Nelson Cleaning Mud 

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez


Phil. 4:13