Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wonder Working Power, Tea with Terry & A Book of Stamps

Mission Conference
Nursing Home Ministry
Our time in the USA is drawing to a close and as our July 5th departure date approaches we are making a short list of items we need and want to take back to Kenya. Coming home on furlough gives us a unique opportunity to carry back a small quantity (less than 50# per tote) of items which are not available in Kenya. We also still have two mission conferences to preach over the next month in Alabama, Arkansas and attend the National ABA Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Since our last report we have visited as many Churches in Florida as possible to share our hearts burden for the people of Kenya and to raise funds for our second term. God has continued to bless in a great way by providing the funds needed for the work we have started on Mt. Elgon and the Kerio Valley and we also have we raised the needed funds to build two more sanctuaries.
We also thank the Lord for Churches like: First Baptist Church of Eastbay, Anchor Baptist Church, Springhill MBC and Baumhauer Road MBC who have partnered with us to purchase over one hundred Solar Powered Audio Bibles for the Pokot tribe we are working with in the Kerio Valley.
We can clearly see God’s provision to get the gospel and the Word of God to those who need it.
Not only have we been blessed by God’s provision through our furlough/deputation time but we have experienced His power while home. While it seems we see the Lord’s power manifested on a regular basis in Kenya, it has blessed our hearts and encouraged our faith to see God still moving in the hearts of people in our great nation as well. His power has been made known through the salvation of dozens during our revivals, mission conferences, prisons, nursing homes, Christian schools and regular services. We have also seen many people rededicate their lives to the Lord Jesus, surrender to the ministry, to the mission field, for baptism and make commitments to sacrificially give to God’s work. We say praise the Lord for His " power, power, wonder working power in the precious blood of the Lamb."

 Last month the Ladies of our Church showered Terry with gifts of love during an event they called “Tea with Terry”.   
It was a great encouragement for them to recognize her work in Kenya as she labors by my side. She gave them a short devotion and left knowing our Church appreciates her as a missionary’s wife on the foreign field.   
It has been our desire that while home on furlough or traveling the country on deputation God would use us to exhort and encourage His people. But most importantly we pray God will be glorified in our lives. “Let others see Jesus” in me is more than just a song but rather the purpose of our lives.
This month I have also had the privilege of preaching two more prison revivals at Cross City Correctional institute. We had great services with men that have a hunger for God. I preached on “Abiding in Christ” and “Finishing the Course”.
Kenya has changed us in the sense that we have learned from a culture in which relationships with others are placed above all things. We have adopted this mentality and it has help deepen our relationships with those we come in contact with over time. There were two things that really touched my heart during these meetings. One was a young man that came forward at the end of the service and said that he wanted to support our ministry but did not have any money. He wanted to give the most valuable possession he owned while in prison, a book of stamps. Like many of the offerings we receive in Kenya, they would appear to the common person of little value, however, in the sight of the Lord they are of great value like the widow: Luke 21:3
And He said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: Luke 21:4 For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.  
Not only did we receive this great offering but I also received great encouragement from a letter written by one of the men I have been ministering to for years. These are His words: “Dear Brother Fernandez, Please know that you are in my prayers and thoughts and I thank you for being such an example to me and the men of what we are suppose to be as a follower of Christ and as a minister to others. I thank God every time I think of you because of the inspiration and encouragement you have been to me. I am certain the Lord Jesus smiles down at you and your wife as you both serve him. Please pray for me that I may be all our Master (Jesus) wants us to be for His honor and glory. Thank you for giving to the Lord as we are lives being changed.”

Please continue to pray for us and our family as we make our final appointments and final preparations to return to the work God has called us to in Kenya. Thank you for allowing us to share our lives with you. We covet your continued prayers.

May God Keep You and Bless You,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13