It seems as though we barely catch our breath these days.
With year two of language studies, (3) Days per week, two weekly Bible studies, evangelism and Sunday services our plate is full.
We continue to make great strides in our language studies and we are putting those lessons to good use on a daily basis. In addition to school this week we managed to squeeze in some time to make another tent for the Church at Cheptabrubru on Mt. Elgon. We will set it up on Wednesday of this week. We ask you to pray for this delivery because it is raining daily and we will only have a small window of opportunity to get up the mountain and down before it rains leaving us stranded. While I am setting up the tent Terry will be holding a women’s seminar at Ndivisi. Please pray for her as well for she will be on her own in the village. Saturday we met at Mawe Tatu for house to house evangelism with Pastor Shadrach.
The seminar they held there last week had a great impact on the members of this young Church. Terry and I were the last to arrive and we were blown away when we walked into the Pastor’s house for Tea and Prayers only to find that 18 people came out to participate in evangelism. It does our heart’s good to see God’s blessing on this work and especially to see the members of this Church with a burden to reach their family and neighbors with the Gospel. After much time in prayer God usually gives me a passage of scripture or a direction to use when sharing the gospel. Yesterday the emphasis was definitely discipleship. While our primary task is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ this visitation was vital as a follow up with those who made professions of faith last year. It is our intention and heart’s desire to see all of those who make professions of faith to follow with scriptural baptism, to unite with the Church and to continue in the teachings of Christ so they may live a victorious Christian life that has been transformed by the Lord Jesus.
We feel we have a great responsibility to the Lord and to those who are new believers to invest the needed time in their lives to see them discipled. We praise God for the twenty one new converts who made professions of faith but equally important were the dozens who were encouraged and challenged to build on their professions by becoming faithful to God’s house and making commitment to live for Christ. We gave out dozens of John and Romans, hundreds of Gospel tracts and many new Bibles as well. Vincent and New Bible
At the close of a day we saw God’s hand of blessing in so many lives and in so many ways you just want to shout with joy. We are both humbled and honored to be a part of an eternal work. Today we attended the Church at Namarambi. This young work continues to flourish in attendance. I wish every believer was able to hear the testimonies of God’s people today. They are truly thankful that God has brought a Church to their area and feel their life has been blessed since they started to be faithful to God’s house. It is both refreshing and encouraging to worship with people who believe that Jesus is Lord and He has made a real difference in their life. AMEN!
On a parting note: Pastor Peter’s sister gave birth to a baby boy they named Carlos (Chuck). In this culture it is a great honor to have someone’s child named after you. There are now four baby Teresa’s and four baby Carlos’s in Western Kenya. Some have expressed an interest in the GPS cordinates of our work so they can locate them on Google Earth. Here are the coordinates for Namarambi: N00’44.300’ E034’45.705’. Mawe Tatu: N00’44.370’ E035’03.775’
May God Keep You and Bless You,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa