We also had some good laughs during the work which always makes the work
load seem a little lighter. One of the laughs that we enjoyed was as
you can see from the pictures is that when I do a job I bring every tool that I have accessed to at the time. So to make a long story short the Pastors were all laughing at me when I started to unload the
truck: Small generator, circular saw, chainsaw, cordless drill, wire cutters, post hole diggers, termiticide, dry wall screws, gloves, etc… They said all we need is a saw, hammer, nails and machete. However, it did not take me long to convince them that the chainsaw and circular saw was the way to go when we started to build the gate and
clear the overgrown fence line. It also did not take long to convince them that wood screws where better than nails when building a gate. It is amazing what you can do with the right tools but it is also a reminder of what you can do with practically nothing. We had a great day of fellowship and repaired 75% of the fence and gates.
Terry was able to start the cleaning process on a house that has not been lived in for a long time. The weather was not too bad to work in due to the fact that the house is located on the Turquel River and has
many trees. We will have to finish the job when we return in July to move our stuff into the house. You might be asking yourself why we had to secure a house in Lodwar so many months in advance?The answer is simple: You cannot find any houses here to rent and this one was the only one available.
I learned a long time ago, “A bird in hand is better than two in the bush”. Besides the fact that rent here in

and heartwarming. One of our visits was with a lady named Christiana who had a very sick baby. She was a born again believer. The baby had been to the doctor and been on the meds for almost a week without
results. So we did what the Bible says to do and that is pray for the sick by faith. Please continue to mention Mama Christina and her baby in your prayers for unless the Lord grants health the baby will probably die. The last visit was one of those moments in ministry that you will never forget. As we were walking some distance back to the church Pastor David said we had to make one more visit to a lady named Lucy who was saved on a Saturday visitation several weeks ago and needed some encouragement. As we approached the compound it was evident that this was not an ordinary Turkana compound in the village. The first thing I noticed was that the walls around this compound were nearly ten feet tall. The second thing I noticed was that it was under the biggest shade trees in the village. That may not mean much to you in America but in the desert big shade trees come at a premium. The third thing I notice as we entered into this large compound was there were people everywhere. Some laying under the trees, some sitting at tables, some in small groups. So being somewhat naive and unsuspecting I thought the setting was strange but I was not alarmed.
We were escorted into a very nice house compared to Turkana standards and waited for Lucy to come for a visit. While standing before the opening prayer one of the Pastors leans over and says: Lucy is the
largest and most famous brewer of beer and Liquor in Lodwar. I asked him in jest if he wanted me to preach from Proverbs 23:30-33?
With panic on his face he said “no, just baptism”. We prayed when Lucy arrived and I taught her on scriptural baptism. She said she was going to follow Christ and be baptized at the next baptismal
service. The entire time I was teaching I am thinking of the circumstance surrounding this lady’s conversion and the road that the Lord is doing to take her down with regard to her faith. Her faith will eventually lead to a place where she will have to give up her lifestyle if she is going to grow and have peace with God. It is
comforting to know that God will bless her when she comes to that place. She seems like she will be able to make that sacrifice as her life has been on a downward spiral before she came to Christ. Her husband has left her and while she is wealthy she was missing the one thing that brings true joy and peace: a relationship with God in heaven through His Son Jesus. We ask you to remember Lucy in the weeks and months ahead as the Lord transforms her life like he has to many of us. Sunday we visited a village around 50km from Lodwar where Bro. Eddie has a church called Nekechechoch. Probably not spelled right but we had a great time of praise, worship and preaching. It is so encouraging and refreshing to meet with God’s people anywhere we are. Thanks for partnering with us through your prayerful support.
God’s Speed.
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Missionaries, Kenya
Posted in In Lodwar, Turkana Reports