Just a reminder, we never know who the Lord has brought into our path to receive Christ and we never know who is listening or watching. If we simply share the love of God and His Word many will believe. We have experienced this many times in the hospital, a nursing home, out on the street or in the desert. After a wonderful day of sharing the gospel, praying for the sick and inviting people to the new Church plant at Pastor Shadrach’s house we left with our cups overflowing. There were a total of 10 professions of faith in Christ and the new Church is growing each week with many of the new converts attending as well as the visitors that were invited. We take so much for granted sometimes. During the week Terry and I bought small New Testament Bibles for the evangelism team. We also bought the Pastors new Bibles that had zipper covers on them as well as gospel tracts. When we gave them to the team you would have thought we gave them a million dollars. They were so happy to have the Word of God. Many do not have Bibles at all and if they do they are falling apart, missing pages and torn. It is a reminder of how blessed we are in America where most have multiple Bibles that are often not even used. Terry and I have purposed in our hearts that at the very least we as missionaries will do our best to keep people supplied with the Word of God.

I preached on the Power of the Cross and Terry taught the Ladies after the service. The Mommas here are so hungry for teaching. I thank the Lord he has given me a wife that has a heart for the people, particularly the Mommas and the Children. At the conclusion of the service the Pastor had a special offering for his vision of a Bible institute at his Church. The nearest Bible Institute is 100Km (60 mi.)away and is at its capacity. The offering time lasted almost an hour with singing and praising while the basket was passed a dozen times.

God Bless You All,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez