Monday, January 27, 2014

Full Throttle Construction & Man Down...

Three sanctuaries under construction simultaneously may seem like a bit much, but you have to remember that nothing happens fast here in Kenya.    It is necessary to start the process at several different locations so that there is always something that can be done somewhere, otherwise you find yourself waiting on materials and being delayed.   Besides we serve an awesome, almighty God who put in our hearts the desire and goal to start five more sanctuaries within the next year.   One thing we do not lack is a great love for our Lord and a great ambition to see God’s work progress so that He will be glorified in every aspect of our lives and ministry.   With that said, we took three trips into the interior this week to deliver materials, to build and for worship services.
Our first trip involved dropping off the new steel trusses at Landmark Baptist Church at Soysambu, hopefully to be installed this coming week. 

Additionally, we traveled to the base of Mt. Elgon to put up purlins atop the LBC at Ndivisi. 
This sanctuary was started last year before we left for deputation but is counted in our goal of five sanctuaries because we were operating on borrowed funds at that time.
The next step is to install the tin roof at which point the Church family can start using the building.   Even then, there is a ton of work which needs to be accomplished but it will be at the point where we step back and allow this group of believers to do what they can do as God provides for them.
We will still give them assistance with pews, windows and doors but they will be responsible to bring the new sanctuary to completion.
As I labored alongside the men and looked over the structure it is clearly apparent that by no means is it an engineering marvel and while it might not meet building codes in our country, in their eyes it is a thing of beauty compared to a mud building.  

                                                       Mama Helper
We also traveled deep into the Kerio Valley to visit our Pokot ministry and the
 Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei.  
 I carried along with me one wounded and hurting soldier, Terry.
She had picked up something somewhere and was suffering in a great way from a bacterial infection; however, she would not let me travel by myself. 
Now I am probably bragging a little, so forgive me and give me a little liberty here but she is one of the toughest and most faithful servants of God I have ever known.   A lot of men I know would have been laid up in bed crying the blues.  While the pictures don’t reveal it, she was very sick and operating at about half speed.   To make matters worse, the road into the valley has been totally destroyed but thank God the truck was strong going down and back out on these rocky roads.
I often describe this experience as driving over a cattle guard which basically shakes the stirring wheel out of your hand for hours.   It will take us a couple of days to recover from our weekly battering.   It was good to visit our first Pokot Church after being away for nearly a year.
The core of the Church remains intact and their young Pastor Timothy Loquardo is leading them and teaching them in a good way.  It was awesome to hear three ladies in Church discussing a Christophany.   I’m afraid the average Christian could not define Christophany and while I do not want to debate the theology of it here on a blog journal I can only say that these are the depth of teachings they are receiving and if you can imagine these young believers in a remote village of the Kerio Valley who have only been saved for around three years.

                                                    Women of Prayer
On the flip side and joy of seeing your children of faith developing and growing there was the sad news that we lost one of key Pokot translators, Solomen, who had become backslidden over the last year in taking another wife, #2.   This is a huge cultural battle that is very real within these young Christians and is huge lose to our ministry team.
The news is not all bad because after the Church lovingly administered discipline and upon His true repentance, Solomon was restored to fellowship but not allowed to be a leader in the Church. 
These are all lessons this local New Testament Church is learning as they walk the Christian walk.

                                            Pokot Tribe Given Audio Bibles
                                                       Audio Bibles
Pokot Youth Choir
                       Terry, Sunflower Girl, in good times and bad...
In closing, this visit also afforded Terry the opportunity to distribute pillow case dresses and student bags which the ladies in the Churches of America had made. 
Thank you for praying for us, for giving and allowing us to share this journey of faith.
God Bless,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

 Monthly Support:  This week our hearts were saddened by receiving the following letter:
"Brother Fernandez,
As you may be aware, our church has been supporting you through our Faith Promise giving. Because of the steep decline in the funding of this program we will be unable to continue supporting you".
This is some of the most discouraging news a Missionary on the foreign field can receive as we pour our hearts and lives into God's work. Would you consider filling this void by partnering with us on a monthly basis so that we may continue to win the lost and disciple the saved?

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