Monday, May 2, 2016

The Bolivian Blog, Faithful Servants & Pastor Jackson Goes Home

The older we get, the longer it seems to take to recover from International travel, however a week later, by the grace of God we reconnect with the land of our fathers, our culture and continue to put our hand to plow and not look back.    I believe we accomplished all of our objectives during my recent trip to Bolivia with our Pastor, Dr. Tim Myers.   First and foremost, we want to bring God glory in all that we do and to that end we went to encourage the Church and Pastor Miguel Sanchez at Cochabamba (El Camino Missionary Baptist Church) to consider and pray about a strategy to reach the lost and to plant more Churches.   The Church was planted in 2006, in a city of 1.9 million people but has made no appreciable effort to reach the lost and or send out Preachers to plant more Churches.   It’s often been said that the greatness of a Church is not in its seating capacity but rather it sending capacity.   The Church is as doctrinally sound as you will find anywhere in the world but is lacking burden and vision.        
Len & I
Mission Team

We can teach and develop a vision with them but the burden for the lost is something that God is going to have to do in their hearts.   In addition to encouraging the Church to move forward from where they were a year ago as the Apostle Paul taught the Church at Corinth, we also went to encourage Bro. Darrell Roberton who is a new Missionary to Bolivia.   Bro. Darrell and I spent hours together talking about where he is in His ministry as well as lessons Terry and I have learned from our years in Africa.   He is going to do a great work in Bolivia but he is in those crucial and difficult foundation laying years as he learns the language and culture.    The Church hosted a three day Bible conference where I was able to teach the Pauline methodology for Church planting as well as using examples and illustrations from the work we did in Kenya and Uganda.    We challenged them to reach the sea of humanity in Cochabamba as well as some thirty other ethnic groups within their own country (many of them unreached).   Each day we would go out into the city and give out John & Romans which the people gladly received.  It is one thing when people receive the word of God but it is a blessing when you return to see them sitting down reading it.

Even though the people of Bolivia are heavily indoctrinated in Catholicism they are still open and hungry for God’s word which means the Church and Missionary has endless opportunities to preach and teach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Please pray for the people of Bolivia and specifically that the work there will reach its potential for the glory of God.   Our hearts are still very much on the foreign field in so many ways and while I do not feel God calling us to Bolivia at this time I believe it is place that  we will able to travel to encourage our brethren there on a regular basis.   
Our priority remains the Church plant in Florida as well as Kenya/Uganda Church development and as Terry’s health is vastly improving to the point where I believe she will be able to return to Kenya one day to say goodbye to the people she dearly loves.  Remember, she was not afforded that opportunity when we medivac her out of East Africa.   One of the biggest blessings of my trip was that while I was thousands of miles away on the foreign field getting the word of God out on the streets of Cochabamba, our folks at the Florida Plant were faithfully serving the Lord doing the same thing at the annual Blueberry festival in Brooksville, Florida.
                                              Grandson Kason

Terry and team of faithful servants gave out hundreds of gospel tracts during the festival which lets me know that our folks are developing into Disciples of Christ and a Church family that carries out the Great Commission with or without the presence of their Missionary Pastor.   The Kenya/Uganda front brought news that Pastor Jackson from Lake Victoria has gone home to be with the Lord.   The news of the death of a Saint is always met with mixed emotions, part of me praises the Lord for His grace and mercy through Pastor Jacksons radical salvation transformation from a drunken fisherman to a preacher of the gospel and then there is the reality that his children: Electra, Lokey, Hillary and my namesake Carlitos are orphaned. 
My namesake....Carlitos
If you recall Pastor’s wife died some months back.  We know God’s grace is sufficient and believe that Sis. Rose, Pastor’s Mother who is a faithful member of the Church will raise the children in faith.   A team of Pastors from Mt. Elgon will be traveling tomorrow to help make the burial arrangements for Pastor Jackson.  Please continue to pray for His children as they stand by the graveside where they will have buried both parents in less than six months.   Thank you for allowing us to share this continued journey of faith.