This week we spent three days at Lake Victoria to give Terry the opportunity to teach the women of the Landmark Baptist Church of Wichlum and the Landmark Baptist Church of Got about the Virtuous woman.  Virtuous Women Seminar  
These young Christians and Churches continue to be a high ministry priority for we know the more we can teach them the word of God the better disciples of Jesus they will be and we also know from experience that good disciples of the Lord Jesus make more disciples.   It is especially important for us to get these women grounded because the memberships of almost all of our Churches are around 75% women, 25% men.  Putting demographics aside, each Mama brings as many as seven children to Church and these children will become the future Church.   They will be the future Pastors, Missionaries and Church leaders that will keep the Church moving forward for generations to come or until Christ returns.   While both of these young Churches are totally independent, it is important for us to connect them during these fellowships so they can encourage each other in the Lord and also have fellowship with other believers of like faith.  Terry has such a great love and burden for these women and she has really blossomed into an excellent Bible teacher.        Teacher Terry Blessing
Teaching The Word of God
My heart is touched every time I hear her read God’s word to the women for I know she is a great mentor and example of the Proverbs 31 woman.   Her love and obedience to the Lord is truly inspiring.  They are receiving solid Bible teaching and training that will help them develop into Godly wives, mothers, excellent Church members and solid God honoring Christians.    After the seminar she introduced the women to “tostones”, which they loved and said they will make them for their Christmas meal. 
We know that our work here is eternal but it is also exciting to see them embrace a few of these dishes from our culture.                            Tostones Time
Tostones Sharing
During the women’s seminar at Got, the men did evangelism in Wichlum where we saw two people make professions of faith in Christ.
                                   Audio Bible
Both of these Churches are still meeting under tents but that has not hampered their growth and as a matter of fact the LBC of Wichlum is in the process of raising funds to match an offering given by the Teens of Ft. Cooper Baptist Church to help them purchase a plot.         Pastor George & Anna  
We were so proud to announce to the Church that our Youth Pastor, Francisco Garcia and the youth had sacrificially given such a great offering.   If you want to look up the plot they want to purchase, go to Google Earth and look up the coordinates:  0’14’23.45 S -34’12’44.93 E.
In Closing,  while Terry was teaching the women I had a great opportunity to spend quality time with Pastor Jackson who told me about the new job God has blessed him with. 
Keep in mind that all of the National Pastors we work with are bi-vocational and we in no way give them any type of monetary support that could be considered pay as they do God’s work.  Pastor Jackson has been fishing over the last few years but fishing in Lake Victoria has declined to the point where he could not feed his family.
However, God through His infinite grace
         has provided for him through gold, that’s right, gold. 
It seems that gold has been discovered in the hills around two kilometers from Pastor’s house and he is now the supervisor of over 70 men who dig in the mine. He is paid a percentage in bags of rocks which contains gold that he must remove. This is seen as a great blessing for this man of God who struggles daily to provide for his family.                    
Please continue to pray for God’s people and for Terry and I as we minister to these young Christians and Churches.

God Bless,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez, Kenya