Monday, November 1, 2010

The Death of a Saint, Mud Slinging & Witnesses

It has been said that the best laid plans oft go awry.
It seems this week has been no exception as we strived to accomplish the goals and plans we set forth.  However, our plans continually had to be adjusted.   With that in mind we have learned very quickly that God is always in control and what we may think is a setback it often actually is a 'set up' from God. 
For example, we planned to deliver building materials to the top of Mt. Elgon for the LBC (Landmark Baptist Church) at Kipsigon but due to heavy rains and impassable roads we were forced to work at the base of Mt. Elgon.   We had also planned a day of construction at the LBC of Namarambi, but due to the death of an LBC member named Bernard, I preached a funeral with hundreds in attendance instead. 
We praise the Lord that Bernard was a born again believer.  He died a young man at the age of thirty-six of an enlarged heart and his final dying words to his wife were to keep his family in Church.
The funeral of a child of God stands in stark contrast to the funeral of the lost.   As the Apostle Paul said, while we mourn we do not mourn as those who have no hope.   It is hope found in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus that I was able to share with Bernard’s wife and five young children as well the rest of his family.  When they laid his earthly body to rest there was comfort found in the promises of the word of God which gives us hope and perspective at such a time as this.   At the close of the funeral there were dozens, possibly as many as fifty, that made professions of faith in Christ.  I did not get the names and numbers but what is important is that Jesus was glorified through Bernard’s death and his family drew strength and comfort from their faith.    While construction plans had to be altered this week,
             Terry and a group of ladies from the Church
met to finish mudding the walls which were started last week. 
                          Mud Mixing...Terry & Women of the Church
As they were stacking and slinging mud we finished the roof vents and installed a new sign.
The only thing left on this second sanctuary construction is to install windows and doors, seal the inside with clay and put a protective layer of cement on the exterior to give the walls longevity. 
     Women Mudding Inside
As we work side by side with our Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ
 our relationships grow stronger each day.
Every tear shed and every drop of sweat that falls creates a unity and harmony amongst our team that I believe will last forever.    This bond created in Christ forms one of the  most precious and purposeful relationships we have ever experienced.    With the roads going up Mt. Elgon closed we did village evangelism at Myanja.    This village of over fourteen hundred people is our latest and fastest growing Church.    We met for evangelism and there were around twelve members of the Church that came to accompany our usual evangelism team of Pastor Peter, Pastor Shadrach, Japheth and myself. 
It was a great inspiration and also a powerful testimony to see these new Christians going out into their village not only to invite their friends, family and neighbors to the new Church but more importantly to invite them to Christ.   There were two young men named Moses and Fred who are new believers that escorted Pastor Peter and I around the village.  It was priceless to see these young men who have only been saved within the last few months public testifying as to what God has done in their lives through salvation.  We visited houses of liquor (brewery), houses of ill repute and two village elder’s houses who said they would be in Church on Sunday.  We also met a few believers who did not have a Bible or a Church to attend and they were greatly encouraged by the fact that a church had been planted in their village. 
                              Talking to Albert
It is amazing to think that some of these churches are the first church in the history of the village. 
It was another God led, God filled and God blessed day in the interior.  The Bible says that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth and I can only imagine the joy in heaven over the twenty eight that repented and received Christ by faith at Myanja on Saturday.    To God be the Glory great things He hath done!   Please continue to pray for these young Churches and these new believers as we are seeing God do something great.    In closing, with help from supporting Churches in the USA we purchased our fourth plot to build the LBC of Mawe Tatu (Three Stones).  We also received news that our work permit has been approved and we will be traveling back to Nairobi next week to complete the process.   We covet your continued prayers as we press towards the mark.

May God Keep You and Bless You,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa
Phil. 4:13

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