Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On The Road, In the Air and a Warm Welcome

As I look back at this week, I am amazed at how far we have traveled and how we have realized God's Grace while in the air, on the road and back to the work. The week started with a drive from Florida to Atlanta, Georgia. Then a flight from Atlanta to London in which we spent a night and then a flight from London to Nairobi. After a night in Nairobi we drove to where our home is located in Eldoret. All of our flights were on time, all of our 12 pieces of luggage arrived intact and we had no vehicle problems. We never take the traveling we do for granted and we thank God for traveling mercy.
While we are still feeling the affects of Jetlag we were anxious to travel back to the Western Providence to worship with the people God has knitted our hearts together with. As we traveled the 100 plus KM's I found out my hopes that someone would repair the Uganda Highway leading to Western were quickly dashed. Instead of someone in the Government miraculously repairing the pots holes in the road I quickly found out that the holes had only gotten bigger and deeper. The condition of the highway added another twenty minutes to our trip. Kenya has taught me that if you hurry, hurry you will miss a blessing so you do what you can do at the pace that the conditions allow. Our first stop was at the Church called Namarambi. This is one of the Churches that we were able to support last year through evangelism efforts as well as purchasing a plot and a tent for the young Church plant to meet under. Not only was the Church and Pastor Daniel healthy, but God has added to their numbers through salvations as well as new members. The people are so thankful for the Churches and Christians in the USA who have provided this humble place of worship. Needless to say, we were all so happy that God has allowed us to be reunited for another year of service together. We are truly excited about building on what was accomplished last year for God's honor and glory.
                                                                Youth with Pastor Daniel
                                                           Youth Sunday School
                                                       Jacob Playing New Keyboard
 Children of Namarambi

                                                           Pastor Peter and Preachers
Ugali & Chicken for lunch
On an interesting praise note: Last year when we helped the Church purchase the plot, Pastor Daniel wanted to purchase a whole plot, but due to financial constraints we were only able to help him purchase a half plot for the Church. But God in His goodness and grace brought a new member into the Church last month who owned the plot next to the one that was purchased and they gave the other half to the Church. So in other words, God gave Pastor Daniel and the Church the desires of their hearts at no cost to the Church. God blessed faithfulness because faithfulness blesses God.
Praise the Lord for his mercy endureth forever!
After a brief visit at Namarambi we proceeded to the Landmark Baptist of Ndivisi to worship with Pastor Peter and his people. We had a great time of worship together and I was invited to teach during the Sunday School hour. I taught on the Model or Lord's prayer and how incorporating the prayer into my personal prayer life over the last year has help keep me focused on the areas of prayer that I have a tendency to neglect. Not by repeating the Lord's prayer, but by dividing my prayer into the specific areas Jesus taught us to pray. This has truly brought me closer to the Lord and brought more answered prayers than I have had in many years. The people were surprised by the amount of Swahili I was able to teach in and after services they asked me if I had been speaking Swahili while in America? That is one of the advantages of having a help met that is an intricate part of the ministry as Terry and I used Swahili from time to time while on vacation and I found myself translating conversations into Swahili while talking to friends and family. Along this line we ask you to pray for us as will return to language school for the next three months in an effort to expand our vocabulary and aide in our hearing and comprehension. Each time we arrive home from working with God's people there is such a sense of peace, purpose and privilege in fulfilling God's calling on our life. Thank you for allowing us to share what the Lord is doing with two simple servants from Florida here in Kenya.

God Bless,
Chuck and Terry Fernandez

Kenya, East Africa

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